Decisions of World Leaders
(March 6 to March 14, 2015)
Foolish Decisions of Leaders
March 6, 2015
As the clouds gather in the heavens, all await the storms. Such is this moment on earth when so many clouds appear on the horizon. These are the problems which I will speak to now. An anxiety fills the air. People are not settled. They know that things are not right. They do not know what forces will break through. They cling to their present way of life but they know there are no guarantees of its permanency.
They do not see what they can do. The enemies are hidden and the future is clouded in mystery. Life seems the same but it is not as before. All of this is truly a new state of affairs. Permanency has been shattered. All is contingent, waiting upon future events.
In these locutions, I try to address those events, looking at them from every possible angle. Describing them. Predicting them. Outlining their causes, their nearness and their effects. All moves ahead. Causes bring about effects and these causes are deeply planted in cultures, in human hearts, and in decisions, past and future. Such is the state of the world, a precarious state in a time of urgency.
Dare I speak of what will happen? Where will the breakthroughs of darkness occur? There are so many sore spots. Some are places of great violence. Others are places of great weakness in the structures. But what I speak of today is foolish decisions by world leaders. The evils are already planted in society. However, by the foolish and even foolhardy decisions of leaders, these evils have been allowed to grow and multiply. Now, these same leaders, after years of withdrawal, will reverse themselves and rush to foolish decisions that will only cause the evil to erupt more quickly and in new places.
I wait and wait to help my loving children. May they not lose faith in me.
Comment: Our Lady foresees foolish decisions that will cause more evil disruptions.
Centuries of Decisions
March 7, 2015
The future path is unknown. Leaders make their decisions while filled with confusion. They lead this way and then that way, always responding to the latest problem. Where have they led this world? This is what I will explain.
Satan has prepared for centuries for this moment in history and everyone must see today’s problems in light of the centuries. Over these centuries, Satan has raised up enmity between nations. At one point, they are friends and sign agreements. Suddenly, they are at war, killing each other.
When the war is over, scars are left. Divisions remain. People do not forget. So, over the centuries, the same nations take up their weapons again. The fighting is renewed.
When the war is over, the people say, “We must defend ourselves against the next war.” So, money is spent on weapons even when no war is taking place. The weapons get more sophisticated. The weapons spread because one nation wants others to be aligned with them. Man’s history becomes either war, preparing for war, or lining up friends who will be allies in wars. Do you not see Satan’s plans during these centuries? War has determined everything.
Now, he has his alignments. The sophisticated weapons have fallen into the hands of so many.
What was meant to be the ultimate protection against enemies has become the ultimate goal of the enemies – to gain the same nuclear weapons.
Everything comes to a climax. How will the world be disarmed? The only path to peace is disarmament. Stockpiling weapons is a short term goal that inevitably leads to just the opposite. Very soon, your enemy has the weapons that you invented.
This is my promise. If the nations allow me to take human history into my hands, I will lead all the nations to peace through disarmament. This is a step by step path, just as the present situation has come about by many steps.
Comment: Who, today, believes that disarmament will ever take place? Yet, Our Lady promises to lead us to peace through disarmament
Centuries of Hatred
March 8, 2015
The path is so slippery but world leaders believe that their wisdom and their resources can prevail and restore world peace. What a mockery! They do not see the centuries. They do not see the evil imbedded in human hearts and they do not believe in Satanic intelligence.
They are deprived of faith and do not believe that they need the help of heaven. So, they slip each day into a deeper morass, wondering why their human solutions are of no avail. Such is the blindness of world leaders. They have hearts that are no longer placed in a religious culture. They are rooted in secular theories and cannot understand the religious fanaticism of the opponents.
Everything shifts. They do not understand the various groups that spring up, with all the different names. One surprise after another, until they begin to see the scope and the depth of world terrorism.
These are not problems that have begun in one day, one year or even one generation. The problems go back centuries. They are contained in religious thinking and in the streams of hatred toward the infidels that have poured forth from these religious teachers since Mohammed.
Religious wars are not new. Attacks against Europe happened centuries ago and were repulsed only by a fervent Christianity that could fight false religious faith with the fervor of true religious faith.
O world leaders, where is your faith? Where is your fervor? Can you overcome fire when you have no fire in your own hearts? I say this from the housetops. Peace will come only when religious faith returns. So, let the fires of faith be lit again. Do not trust in the fire of your weapons that can only kill. Trust in the fire of faith in your hearts. Return to Notre Dame (Our Lady) and I will lead you. Right now you are on a slippery and dangerous path.
Comment: Without religious faith, Europe and the United States will lose.
A Tomorrow of Greater Darkness
March 9, 2015
An inevitability has set in. Problems everywhere and no permanent solutions, like a ship caught in stormy waters without a sure rudder to guide it or a captain who understands the correct direction.
Different leaders offer various solutions but the problems are everywhere. One causes another and solutions quickly become new problems. The world is caught up in a darkness which seemingly has no tomorrow.
There is a tomorrow, but it will be a tomorrow of greater darkness. I will say it again and again. Only I can lead the world into a true tomorrow. I am the dawn. A ship that turns away from me, will find only the night. A ship that turns toward me will slowly but surely come into a new day.
For centuries, decisions have been made to reject me, to forget me, and to put me aside. Even though I constantly intervened, appearing in many places with my saving messages, no one listened. So, the great darkness has descended and will continue to descend. Yet, my words and my promises do not change. However, time is running out. The darkness spreads and the ship plunges deeper into the night that has no tomorrow. This is the darkness of nuclear war and the first steps take place in Iran, quickly followed by others and the emergence of a new world power built upon the atomic bomb. This future is not far ahead. It looms already on the horizon and world leaders foolishly turn their backs on the possibility.
I speak now so the whole world knows that I see what is ahead. More important, that the world know that I love earth, I love mankind, and I have power to slowly but surely lead the world into a true tomorrow, when this horrible night is over and the light comes. My dear children, at this point I can offer you only my words because so few believe in me. My powers have not yet been released.
Comment: Today let each of us ask God to hasten the moment when Our Lady’s powers are released.
The Darkness Will Preach
March 10, 2015
I will speak about light and darkness, the symbols of the two kingdoms which battle for earth, a war that has been waged for many centuries and has now come to a climactic moment.
All is set in place. Foolish decisions have made the world vulnerable to the Kingdom of Darkness. Many human hearts are bathed in darkness and dedicated to the darkness. So many others have abandoned faith, the door to light, or have never received that gift.
The structures of society have been compromised by darkness and many leaders are bathed in the greatest darkness, intent only on their own ambitions. They place themselves forth as apt leaders, when their own hearts are given over to darkness. Finally, the weapons of darkness are in the hands of so many. Anyone who sees clearly must say that the future belongs to darkness.
But I promised to speak about light, as well as darkness, a light that is still hidden under a bushel basket and not yet placed on the lampstand. I speak of a light still hidden in my Church, a light that I have protected, a light which will bring forth a million other lights which also are still hidden.
This is my promise. I will bring forth my hidden light and place this light on the lampstand. Then, millions of lights will suddenly appear, great lights of faith. The great darkness will already have begun and the whole world will know how much it needs my light. The darkness will actually serve my purposes. By destroying all the world’s light, the darkness will preach to the world that it needs a new light. Then this new light will come forth.
Comment: When man’s light completely fails people will be more open to God’s help.
The Two Economic Events
March 11, 2015
I will speak about light and darkness, the symbols of the two kingdoms which battle for earth, a war that has been waged for many centuries and has now come to a climactic moment.
All is set in place. Foolish decisions have made the world vulnerable to the Kingdom of Darkness. Many human hearts are bathed in darkness and dedicated to the darkness. So many others have abandoned faith, the door to light, or have never received that gift.
The structures of society have been compromised by darkness and many leaders are bathed in the greatest darkness, intent only on their own ambitions. They place themselves forth as apt leaders, when their own hearts are given over to darkness. Finally, the weapons of darkness are in the hands of so many. Anyone who sees clearly must say that the future belongs to darkness.
But I promised to speak about light, as well as darkness, a light that is still hidden under a bushel basket and not yet placed on the lampstand. I speak of a light still hidden in my Church, a light that I have protected, a light which will bring forth a million other lights which also are still hidden.
This is my promise. I will bring forth my hidden light and place this light on the lampstand. Then, millions of lights will suddenly appear, great lights of faith. The great darkness will already have begun and the whole world will know how much it needs my light. The darkness will actually serve my purposes. By destroying all the world’s light, the darkness will preach to the world that it needs a new light. Then this new light will come forth.
Comment: When man’s light completely fails people will be more open to God’s help.
Satan’s Attacks On the Locutions
March 12, 2015
The time is short but much can still be done to rescue earth and to restore human history to God’s original plan. Two things must be done. My power and my light must be released into history and millions must receive the light that I pour out. These locutions prepare for those gifts, speaking so clearly and, each day, to many new hearers. Why have I given these words?
I began over four years ago, knowing that the darkness was not imminent but also realizing that it would take time for this little voice to be heard. There are no visions, no apparitions, and no site of miracles. Millions do not come and gather. Rather, all is hidden. The words are given softly and then made available. There is no advertising and no pilgrimages. The words stand alone and by themselves. Yet, these words go forth to all the world, eagerly awaited by many.
This is my promise. I will continue to speak these words for years to come. Do not be discouraged if Satan tries to stop these words, to cover them over and to discontinue their going forth. He would like to take his ax and have it fall upon this work, destroying it and cutting it in two so that it could never continue. When this begins, know that I have spoken ahead of time, that I have prophesied this attack, and, no matter what happens, that I will not allow this little work that I have raised up, to ever be destroyed. It is much too important to me, to the Church and to the whole world.
Yet, Satan will take his actions, for he would deprive the world of this light, even when every precaution is taken to preserve it. My words today, however, are not just about Satan’s future attempts to destroy what I am doing here. My words are, instead, a firm promise. These locutions will remain. They will stay. They will burn more brightly even after Satan’s time of darkness and they will lead the world and the Church through the darkness that lies ahead. They will be my constant and daily proof that I am with my Church and the world that I love so much.
Comment: Our Lady prophesies Satan’s desire to remove these locutions and to destroy them. No one knows exactly what will happen, only that Mary will preserve them. Possibly, some interruptions will occur.
This Generation’s Legacy
March 13, 2015
A moment comes when everything breaks forth and all can see. Such will be the future moments of human history. Already, the hidden fires are bubbling up, giving warning signals, but, as yet, the fires have not broken forth for all to see their fury and size. I have spoken about these evils, planted for centuries and now present in so many places and in so many ways. What is new will be their bursting forth and the changes they will bring about.
This is my message. These fires must burst forth. This is the only way that human history can be cleansed and a time of true peace follow. How strange to speak of true peace before the war has taken place, but this is my message, so listen carefully.
Every generation passes on its legacy to following generations. In God’s plan, each generation has a purpose. If it fulfills God’s will, it passes on blessings. “If it rejects God’s plan, it passes on sin and evil, a corrupt and evil generation”, as Jesus would say.
What will the present generation be? That is still to be decided but never has the question been so important. Awaken to this moment. That is why I speak so clearly. This will either be the generation in which the world is torn apart or is healed and made secure. Every generation holds its history in its own hands. This generation holds all the future generation in its hands. Such is the moment. I cannot be any clearer. Now is not the time to buy and sell, marry and give in marriage as Jesus described his generation.
All must awaken to heaven. All must look to heaven and heed heaven’s words. I will raise up my new messengers, with gifts and powers never seen before. I will place the light on the lampstand. I refuse to allow earth to be plunged into total darkness. Even so, I cannot remove free will. This generation, like all the others, holds history in its own hands. This generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.
Comment: Our Lady correctly says that each generation leaves a legacy of good or evil. Our present generation is different. It holds all future generations in its hands.
Taking the Wrong Path
March 14, 2015
When the ways of man diverge from God’s path then, inevitably, humanity walks into a darkness which it does not see. For a long time, mankind has left God’s path. By means of great inventions, man now moves along his own path at greater speeds and this path is traversed more quickly. In a short period of time, new technology gains greater powers for man and allows him to move even more quickly away from his Creator. Mankind creates its own world, putting together what might even be called “a new creation”, far removed from God and reflecting a humanity dedicated only to itself.
Such is the present state of the world, which is filled with technology and empty of faith, a world that teeters on the brink of collapse. These are the problems which I will describe.
God created the human person to live on earth, to increase and multiply and to bring forth the fruitfulness of the earth, where all enjoy its benefits, so that everyone could see the goodness of God and give to God worship and thanksgiving. When mankind sees God as the source of all blessings and gives thanks, all is kept safe.
Mankind has diverged from this path. The powerful ascribe the blessings to their own efforts. They reject God. They build a world where many are poor. They protect themselves by weapons. Inevitably, distinct classes arise – rich and poor, powerful and weak. Hatred and envy gain adherents. At the same time, powerful weapons are invented and economic structures grow more complicated. The world and it systems move to the point of no return, when no force or power can bring them back from the brink. This is my vision that I share with all. Who can dispute with me? Who can say it is any different?
Only two options exist, either mankind continues on this road without God that leads to untold destruction or mankind turns back. What voice is loud enough and what force is powerful enough, to turn man back? What human person, no matter how holy or how intelligent can reverse the path of centuries? Only the Woman can do this! Place all your faith in the Woman and prepare for that moment when she takes the center stage. The Father has given me this task.
Comment: Our Lady accurately describes the world’s path that has brought us to the present crises.

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