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An Invitation to Drink

(October 31 to November 3, 2012)

Pouring Forth Gifts

October 31, 2012


What gifts I hold in my heart for all of mankind! I do not keep these hidden.  I reveal them for all who would listen to my word.  Many refuse to listen.  To these, I cannot even explain what is available.  Others have no interests in the gifts that would lift up their souls.  They seek only what is of earth, having no interest in heavenly blessings.

Yet, I will pour forth my words and reveal all that I want to do for mankind.  All the world can read and understand.  Some will walk away, not interested in these gifts.  Others, however, will tarry, giving time and giving my words a hearing.  My word will attract them and they will find themselves thirsting for my kingdom.


O soul, do not wait.  Do not put off this call upon your heart.  Do not say, “I will come back another day”.  No, this is the moment of your call and your salvation.  You have already spent too many years in this darkness which has penetrated you and hopes to capture you as its eternal victim.  These words are your only hope.  They will offer you the only light that can save you.

The Heavenly Water

November 1, 2012


O mankind, why do you thirst for other waters when the true, living water flows from my heart.  I will describe this water, so you will want to drink fully.  The water I would give you springs up to eternal life.  You can live forever and ever.  You are immortal and you can have unending life.  Without my water, you will die in your thirst.

Water is vital.  Without water, no human life is possible.  Without my living water, no eternal life is possible.  This is the first truth.  As your body needs earthly water so your soul needs heavenly water and I am the only source of this water.  You cannot gain it anywhere else.


How confusing is your world! One day is filled with happiness.  Then, everything changes.  Even you change.  What you had yesterday does not satisfy you today.  You have no control over events and even little control over your own feelings.

Cannot I use this confusion? Cannot I speak in the middle of your trials? Will you not listen attentively, knowing that I will help you? Now, listen to my words.

The way you are walking is not the correct way.  It will lead you only into darkness and into death.  I come to show you another way, a passage of light that will lead you out of darkness.  This light will not change.  It will not disappoint you.  It will always point in the same direction.  Even if you stumble, or walk in a different direction, this light will still shine and call you back.  Take my hand.  We will begin now to walk in my new light.

Choosing a Messenger

November 2, 2012


Why do you not hear this truth elsewhere? Who has been covering up the truth? The light of faith has been taken off the lampstand and placed in hiding where no one can see.  People have no idea of their thirst for eternal life nor any idea of how to gain this goal.  Man has deceived man.  The darkness in some hearts has led to the darkness in many because those few control the messages that go forth.  So, I have found my own messenger and that person brings my words through these locution.


Where does this light shine? In the depths of your own heart, in your thoughts and in your feelings.  This is the first and most obvious place to put my light.  But how can you find this light within yourself? You must begin with a decision to walk in light and to turn away from all darkness.  At times, it is easier to know the places of darkness that the places of light.

So, begin there.  Identify your greatest place of darkness.  Where, in your life, are you engulfed in darkness? Let us begin there.  Renounce this darkness.  Ask me to bring you out.  That is an excellent beginning.  At least you see the first step.  Start there and start now.

Thirst For the True Waters

November 3, 2012


I pour my words into my messenger’s heart so they will flow into your hearts.  See how I bend down, how I accommodate myself to your state.  You need to hear my message, so I put it in the clearest words.  All you must do is read and take the words into your heart.  Can I not ask at least that?

Now, let us begin again.  My living water is available to all.  I do not hold it back.  I do not even ration it, even though it is precious.  I give to all according to their capacity to receive.  I even increase their capacity.  The more they drink, the more they thirst, but it is a sanctifying thirst of the spirit.  Those who thirst for my water have no thirst for sinful and destructive waters.  I own their hearts because they seek only what I can give.


Once you decide to leave the darkness, you wonder how you sought the darkness in the first place.  You experience a confusion, “How did I let myself move in that direction? How did I choose so poorly?” This confusion has led you to leave the darkness.  You see your new decision as correct and beneficial.

Now, do not hesitate.  Do not turn around and covet the darkness you are leaving.  You are not yet strong.  You are not yet confirmed in the light.  Walk without looking back and, whatever you do, do not return to your previous darkness.  The light calls you and attracts you.  Do not limit its power over you.

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