A Grassroots Movement
(April 25 to May 2, 2014)
Begin from the Grassroots
April 25, 2014
I will describe the future events clearly and the forces that will shape them. I will pull back all the veils so that the whole world knows how deeply I love the human race and all that I want to do for mankind. I must reveal the very depths of my Immaculate Heart so that everyone says, “Why should we not go there? What is holding us back from such treasures?”
In this way, many will see my love because they know my secrets. They will join with others in this search, like companions on a journey. In this way, they will not lose their way nor grow discouraged. Also, they will discover so much more. What one finds, all will possess and their joys will multiply.
I will begin from the grassroots and, with the new means of social media, this can spread like wildfire. Come, I invite all of you. Listen to my song. Read my locutions. Let them claim your heart. I will speak every day to the whole world. Share these locutions with others.
They will join your hearts. As your hearts are joined in my words, I will inspire you as to what steps you must take to increase this treasure. The beginnings will seem small but, after a few months, you will realize the great gifts contained in your small steps of faith.
Comment: Our Lady never delays. She acts now.
President Obama’s Ideology
April 25, 2014
All of these destructive events should not be happening this quickly. The timetable has been moved up because America has withdrawn from the world scene. All of this is due to the ideology placed deeply in the heart of President Obama. He rejects my plan for America. I blessed America so it would be strong and dominant and be a light to the nations and assume the role of a watchman.
He rejects my plans because of an ideology placed in his heart as a youth. For him, American dominance is the problem. For him, America has to be lowered in stature and become just an equal among other nations. This totally contradicts my plans for world peace. His actions show that American withdrawal allows the seeds of violence to grow unchecked.
America has elected a president whose heart is totally against all that I raised up America to be. So, I will not protect him, I will not support him. Except when America’s good is at stake, I will allow him to walk his own path. He will not have my blessings or my protections. He is on more dangerous ground that he can ever imagine.
Tell the Whole World
April 26, 2014
There will be a great sweep to my actions. I will not limit myself to small-scale warfare. I will take on the enemy in the vast expanses of the mass media. That is why these locutions must go forth. They have been sown now in the hearts of many for three years. All are recorded. All can be read. They are like seeds that must bring forth a vast harvest.
My messengers ask, “What am I to say? What should be my message?” Just read all the locutions. See which ones I plant in your heart. That is the message that you are to take forth. Each will carry a different part of these locutions. I already have thousands of people who read these locutions and have studied them for years. Yes, there are many thousands. You are one of them and I commission you. I give you authority as Jesus gave his apostles authority to preach to the whole world. “All that I have commanded you”, Jesus said.
Is this not exactly the same? Are you not with me on my mountaintop? I give you the same command. “Tell the whole world all that I have told you in these locutions”. How great is this task. Accept it as your personal and sacred mission. Just as Jesus said to his disciples, so I say to you, my disciples, “I will be with you until the end of the world”.
All the gifts stored by the heavenly Father in my Immaculate Heart, will flow out upon all who hear your words. Thank you.
Comment: The locutions must go forth everywhere by every means.
Fires at the Door
April 27, 2014
The fires burn everywhere, always more brightly and with greater destruction. What was considered safe, becomes endangered. O West, you think you are far from the fires. You think that they can be contained in the Middle East or in the Ukraine. Really, they are ready to consume your houses also. First, they will surround you on every side. As they continue to burn (because you have forsaken the only means to extinguish them), they will weaken your foundations, cut you off and isolate you. Your resources will grow smaller and you will even begin to say, “Let us begin to cooperate with this fire of Russia”. This will be the fatal mistake, when you lose all your courage to expel the fire and you invite it to enter. At first, it will enter with its ingratiating smile, but then, the hatred and danger will appear.
Your house is divided and a divided house soon topples.
As the Woman Clothed With the Sun I, alone, offer the waters needed to repel and, if totally obeyed, to extinguish the fires and restore world peace. Who even speaks of world peace these days? That is my promise, my total and complete promise. I will give to the world a time of peace. Who believes me? Who listens? Who acts? That is why I am raising up messengers of these locutions. The fires are at the door and the West has forsaken the only means which can extinguish them.
Comment: Our Lady’ predictions are dire and her promises are clear.
The Fires of Darkness
April 28, 2014
Everything will happen so quickly. There are not just fires burning in so many places but winds that will spread Satan’s fires. Walls of protection will prove to be useless. The fires will leap over these walls. There will be fires in front and fires to the back. With so many fires in so many places, how will they be extinguished?
I am not describing what is far distant. Look around. All can see the fires everywhere. (Even in Latin America which I love so dearly.) What is not consumed? There are some places where I am venerated in a special way. They will be a sign to you. I protected Portugal in World War II and Medjugorje in the Bosnian War. Let them be clear signs to you.
Only the Woman Clothed With the Sun can protect the world from the fires that will spread so quickly. Seemingly, they will be out of control. Really, they will be very controlled by Satan and by those whose intellects he darkens with his evil. The fires of darkness. These are the future forces being released. Can no one see or grasp? Human responses are like foolishness, child’s play. The human race needs the Woman and I am ready to help all who invoke me.
Comment: This is a general warning. As the locutions proceed, Our Lady will probably speak more concretely.
Putin’s Method (Special Locution)
April 28, 2014
Putin is rejoicing because he is inflicting suffering upon the Ukraine. Suffering is the key which he uses to steal what is not his. He inflicts more and more suffering until those in possession of the land and of the goods are willing to let go, so that the suffering stops.
Who is ready to stop him in his tracks? No one. The West, too, applies sufferings but compared to Putin’s sufferings and the great gains that he is acquiring, they are as no suffering at all. So, he is rejoicing and he will continue to use this method. He will cause sufferings everywhere and will increase them until he gains what is not his.
An Appeal to the Polish People (Special Locution)
April 28, 2014
I give these locutions because I love the Ukrainian people and they love me. How they suffered under Stalin and Communism, more than any other group. Yet, their love for me did not waver. I hold them in a special place in my heart and I use these locutions to tell them, “I love you and I have not forgotten you”.
The problem is that the West sees the Ukraine from a political point of view and that of the mass media. For the people of the Ukraine, this is not a mass media event. This is an event of blood, blood on their streets, blood in their towns and cities. This is about the sufferings of their young people and the total uprooting of their country. For the West, it is a matter of policy issues. For the people it is a matter of life and death, of darkness, of untold sufferings and of total despair.
The West will not help. The sanctions are not the answer. I must look around. To whom will I appeal? Poland loves me. They know that I have miraculously saved this nation on many occasions (as at the Vistula).
To you, O people of Poland, I appeal. You know the true stories. You see the blood. Many of you have relatives. Do all you can. Reach out to the Ukrainian people. You are not powerless. Your hearts are strong and wide open. Reach out to the Ukraine. I will be with you and you will be surprisingly successful.
Comment: Sometimes grassroot actions are more effective than government initiatives.
A Totalitarian Russia
April 29, 2014
There is no time to waste. The supposed walls of protection around the West are like paper in the presence of fire. The destruction in the Ukraine will move much more quickly and decisively than anyone can imagine. What has been set in place (supposedly dedicated to Western-style democracy) will crash and a totalitarian regime will be quickly established.
Right before the eyes of the West, Russia has suddenly become once again a totalitarian regime under the control of one person whom Satan has led to the top.
I have promised the conversion of Russia when that nation is consecrated to me. Let all the world, not just the Church, know of my promise and what is still lacking. If the Holy Father and all the bishops of the world in union with him would consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart, I have promised that Russia would be converted and a great period of peace would follow.
There has been no such consecration and no conversion of Russia. There has only been the removal of a wall and economic intertwining. Satan still holds the country in his grasp. He will continue to use Russia as his instrument, just as he did in the past century.
Comment: Russia will grow as an evil force in Satan’s hands until the Holy Father fulfills Our Lady’s wishes.
Poland, Baltic Countries and European Union (Special Locution)
April 30, 2014
Poland is weak, no longer the militant, aggressive Poland that existed under Communism and under Pope John Paul II. It has traded its militancy for the goods of Western society, becoming soft, penetrable and ready to go along. It is no longer resistant and ready to destroy any foe that would compromise its principles. With the events in the Ukraine, Putin now turns his glance to Poland. He enjoys a new window of opportunity in Poland. He knows the former Poland (the staunch ally of the Pope) and he knows the present Poland, no longer rooted in an iron-willed determination.
He knows how to plan his attack, which will be a mixture of threats, policies and enticements.
He wants to change Poland’s current status. He cannot do in Poland what he is doing militarily in the Ukraine. However, he will develop other plans to draw Poland closer to Russia. This will affect all of Poland, as people realize that their status quo is being challenged by a force that NATO cannot fight because it is not primarily a military force. This force will be even more real, a relentless force that cannot be destroyed and which always has access to people’s hearts. Putin always manipulates the events so they serve Russia’s purpose. Putin will be seen as a new force within Poland itself, a pernicious force that will not withdraw, like a wolf always seeking its prey.
Baltic States
A similar, but greater influence will extend to the smaller nations along the Baltic. They are more vulnerable because their population and their resources are smaller. These nations will experience Putin’s newly revealed aggressiveness even more than Poland.
Destabilizing the European Union
Putin has his eyes set on destabilizing the European Union. Cracks have appeared in this European house because it is not well-built, or founded upon rock. This Union has never been built upon the Catholic faith. European unity is based upon self-interest. For many, self-interest in the European Union is fading quickly.
Putin knows that the European Union is a house filled with many cracks. He will apply every sort of pressure. He has one goal, to exploit those cracks and to increase their power so that the whole European Union faces serious threats to its future viability. This is almost within his reach. Putin has a wrecking ball and wants to use it to tear down the European house. He wants to fulfill the dreams of Stalin, the collapse of Western Europe and the emergence of Russia as the world power.
All of this is possible and its fulfillment can happen much more quickly than any European or American leader can conceive. The timetable is moved way ahead and Putin, as Satan’s perfect instrument, will not hesitate one moment.
I am putting the European leaders on notice of what can happen. In their foolishness, they have abandoned the faith and have built their secular union. They have no defenses against Putin, Satan’s instrument. America will be deeply shaken by this destabilizing of the European Union.
Choosing the Wrong Woman
April 30, 2014
Before moving on, I must explain what has brought the human race to this point so that everyone understands my teachings.
Centuries ago, beginning with the French revolution, people walked away from the great faith that formed Europe. This revolution lifted up the false goddess of reason. The effects of this choice were like a knife in my Immaculate Heart. People would seek from the goddess of reason what she could never give. They would come away thirsty. Even worse, they would drink of her poisoned waters. Such has been the fruits of these 200 years in which man has chosen the wrong woman.
I quickly began to regain my place in men’s hearts. The great age of the apparitions began, leading up to the phenomena of Fatima (1917). At Fatima, the heavenly Father himself, by the great miracle, proclaimed me as the Woman Clothed With the Sun.
Since Fatima, the West has continued to exalt the goddess of reason and to walk away from faith. What has happened? Look around. Untold destruction. Millions of people dead by violence. Now, the present situation.
The West must understand the decisions made in the past. It has forsaken the Woman Clothed With the Sun for the false goddess of reason. Such is the foolishness of a child who has already destroyed so much.
You have chosen the wrong Woman, but it is not too late. I await your decision. These locutions will prepare many hearts and when I begin to reveal myself more fully, all will understand that I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun who is coming to save everyone.
Historical Note
The French Revolution lasted from 1789 to 1799. In November, 1793 in Our Lady’s Cathedral (Notre Dame) in Paris, the feast of the “Goddess of Reason” was celebrated. Later, the revolutionaries celebrated this feast of the Goddess of Reason in several other provincial cathedrals. After this, churches were used for meetings or for stores and not for Catholic worship.
Russia’s River of Acid
May 1, 2014
Putin’s Russia is like an enormous river of acid that can flow in many directions and change course at a moment’s notice. This river has no fixed agenda, only the goal of Russian supremacy brought about by a great intermingling of nations that share its darkness. This flexibility presents the greatest hazards for the Western strategies.
The river of acid can flow anywhere, choosing its most susceptible targets. Once its corrupting power has sufficiently drawn them into the Russian mold, the river can flow out into other, less accessible places.
This acid is filled with power and refuses to be diluted. It is corrosive and destroying, leaving death, destruction and evil of every kind in its wake. This acid has been flowing for almost a century and has taken many forms, sometimes assuming a militaristic confrontation and, at other times, a face that welcomes all visitors (as if it had changed).
A hundred years ago, I warned the Church about this destructive power of Russia and nothing was done. So, I now speak to the world. The source of your problems is not some unknown secret. Nor is the solution hidden from your eyes. These locutions will reveal everything.
Let everyone listen. This river does not yet have access to the very center of human history. However, if and when it does, then there will be an annihilation of nations. Only the Woman Clothed With the Sun can prevent this moment from happening.
Comment: Our Lady’s plea is urgent.
When the Events Conclude
May 2, 2014
When this series of events concludes, a rearrangement of Europe will have taken place. The European Union will be diminished in power and size and the new reality will dawn upon everyone. Russia will once again emerge as an evil force, set upon its own path. How naïve was the West. It saw in Russia what it wanted to see and never made the effort to grasp reality.
It will not be a renewed Cold War because Putin has other means to gain his goals. The world is quite different than decades ago. The Muslim world, with its great hatred against the West, has come forth. Putin has friends in the Middle East whom he has cleverly gathered. He has multiple spheres in which to increase Russia’s influence.
Such will be the state of the world when these events in the Ukraine and in Western Europe come to a cooling point, when what is gained or lost is finally settled. For now, all is still to be decided. Much depends on the determination of the West which is so compromised and vulnerable.
In this current battle, I still sit on the side lines. My only hope is to send these locutions far and wide. “O Church, you must awaken. Only you hold within your grasp the ability to have the Woman Clothed With the Sun come powerfully upon the world stage and call everyone to repentance and conversion.”
Comment: Our Lady gives a picture of Europe after these events.

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