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The Fires of Peace

Thursday, August 06, 2015


Before the fire goes forth from my heart, the world must be prepared. Otherwise, people’s hearts are not ready to receive and the fire pours out uselessly.

How can I prepare the world for this special coming? How can I get the Church ready for the Fatima gift, for it is the Fatima gift which contains all the fire, a fire which still burns so brightly in my heart and is ready to be poured forth in these final days.

So many mysteries to explain, mysteries which will suddenly burst into human history, mysteries which must be known and understood ahead of time. Right now, mankind is entering into years filled with mysteries and all the events cannot be understood without faith. Let me summarize these mysteries and then speak of the future.

The heavenly Father decided to prepare for the great Fatima gift by my many appearances in the 19th century. However, even as God bestowed the gift, the government opposed it and hindered some of its effects. (Heavenly gifts must be received.) If received correctly, World War I would have ended immediately. As it was, I was able to shorten that war.

World War II should never have happened. I would have put out the fires of Communism, Nazism and Fascism long before they were allowed to cause that terrible conflagration. There would have been no dropping of the atomic bomb, no Cold War, no Iron Curtain. By these words, I let you see the extent of my power over world events and to see what I have been saying. By rejecting faith, mankind has chosen a terrible path of darkness and suffering.

I come to the present and the future. The world is much further along this path of self-destruction. Parts of the world are totally immersed in darkness. Yet, the fires of peace burn brightly in my heart, waiting, waiting and waiting to be poured out, able to completely turn mankind around and to scatter this darkness over which he has no control. However, the world and the Church are not prepared. If poured out now, my fire would be wasted and foolishly spent.

I can only promise a future moment when it will not be so. Not just the Church, but even the world, will welcome my fire. Then peace will be firmly established.

There will be two sets of events. My events will directly prepare the Church for that moment.

Satan’s events, while shaking the world, will also remove the blindness of the secular spirit.

Comment: We must believe that Our Lady possesses the fire of peace and prepare.

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