Marian Cross - Transparent Background

The Great and Unconquerable Gulf

Wednesday, July 01, 2015


A great gulf has opened up, an ever-widening divide that will not close. There will be no efforts of unity. Each group will be satisfied to walk away with its rights intact. The good of the whole, the great enterprise of America will be quickly abandoned.

How can you stir a people to oneness when all think only of their own rights? How can unity exist when leaders think only of serving interest groups? Such is the political life of America, dividing into pieces and held together precariously by a Constitution that is politically interpreted.

The great divisions have not yet appeared but the unity of America has been sacrificed on the political altar. Only time is needed until people will see the great gulf that has opened up.

Life in America will never be the same. Inconceivable decisions will appear and the constant trust that the Constitution can provide the needed unity will be greatly tested. I will allow this to happen because America has chosen this path away from the heavenly Father’s plan. What lies ahead in the future which will bring forth good? The fountains of light will spring up?

First, people will become alarmed. America has been stolen from them by those who clearly part their political advantage. Many will reassess their choices. Much cannot be rolled back but delays in the timetable can result.

Much more important will be my initiatives. They will seem small but are more far lasting. If darkness has captured the heart of America, my light will command the heart of Americans. If darkness has captured the political life, my light will capture the spiritual life. America is shaking. Confidence in the Constitution and America’s future is ebbing away. “What will join us?” people will ask. I will come. I will shine my light. All will hear my name. All will know my promises; all will see how I gather. What was just a tiny white cloud upon the horizon will become a great deluge of my gifts. More important, the hearts of Americans will seek my gifts because their illusions have been shattered, that an America which is not under God can survive. To all I say, this is a new time, a new era, a new stage. America has never been here before. The Civil War at least was open conflict and could be resolved. This conflict goes much deeper and will not be resolved.

Comment: In this great darkness, some light will shine.

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