The Russian Darkness
Sunday, June 07, 2015
Cannot light come down from heaven bursting forth suddenly in unexpected ways? Heaven is limited, powerless, unable to act. Only in the mind of man who refuses to allow my words to reveal heaven’s light.
At Fatima (1917), I spoke of the great darkness of Russia, a darkness that was not yet perceived by the world. How cruel, how powerful, how extensive became this darkness. For a while, the darkness became a false angel of light. Many even believed that the conversion of Russia had taken place.
Then, from its dark bowels, Putin arose, able to destroy the democratic structures and gather power to himself. Now he sits, enthroned in power, a product of Satan’s darkness. He holds a knife at Europe’s throat. European leaders feel Russia’s threat.
Putin is not limited by structures. He acts alone, in a fullness of power, weaving back and forth, like the judo fighter that he is. The Russian threat cannot be ignored. Large parts of Europe are endangered. The West has neither the resolve nor the means to stop him. The Ukraine is in great danger of collapsing. Other nations will be threatened, the Russian evil will spread. Putin sees his moment. America is weak. Terrorism grows. Europe is divided, plagued by economic woes.
I proclaimed this at Fatima and nearly 100 years later, I must proclaim it again. Russia is the great center of evil, spanning two continents and embracing many cultures. Now, it marches forward, ready once again to find its place and spread its evils.
Only light from heaven can destroy this satanic darkness. How foolish has the Church been to set aside my request for Russia’s consecration. As the Russian evil marches forth, let my words ring out. “Only the light of my Immaculate Heart can defeat and scatter the Russian darkness.
Comment: Putin’s rise has confirmed the great wisdom of Fatima which alerted the world to Russian evil.

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