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The Complicated Phenomena of Evil

Friday, April 10, 2015


The time has come for the whole world to know the great secrets. Let all be revealed so that the Evil One cannot destroy the truth or bring about confusion in the hearts of those who believe.

There will be two groups of people, those who try to walk by natural light and those who have received my light. The natural light will slowly dim as the world is cast into greater and greater darkness. What people placed their hopes in and on what they relied for security will be taken away. My light will grow greater and stronger as these natural lights are put out by the Evil One. So, let me begin to reveal the great secrets.

The time is very short. I have acted in powerful ways to delay and delay the darkness, but there are too many forces in too many places. If one is held back, then the other is allowed to come forth. Often one evil opposes another, as can be seen by the conflicts in the Middle East in which one terrorist group wars against another. Suppressing one natural enemy allows another to flourish. Evil is a very complicated phenomenon, not easy to understand because it violates truth. Satan often allows one evil to be attacked so a greater evil will come forth. This is why the undiscerning mind, devoid of my light, often becomes Satan’s instrument.

Minds and wills guided by only natural light will inevitably be the unwitting causes of greater evil. Only hearts bathed in God’s light can see the true path to peace. Expediency always takes the wrong road. Faith alone shows the way. That is why I must reveal the great secrets, even if only a few will accept my words.

Comment: Our Lady shines a great light on what is happening as Iran seemingly is defeating ISIS, but is establishing its own kingdom.

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