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Enlightened Confidence

Thursday, December 04, 2014


When the world comes to the edge of the cliff, what happens then? Some continue to move on and plunge to their destruction. Others are filled with panic and are paralyzed with fear.

Some, having been prepared by these locutions, will say, “Mary has always spoken about this moment. She has prepared us well. We are not to fear. We must act according to her word”.

How will I describe this great gift that flows from my heart right now? It is not a gift that you should receive when the world comes to the edge of the cliff. It must be received beforehand, like the oil needed for the lamps to meet the Bridegroom.

I will call this gift enlightened confidence because it contains two powers. The person is filled with light. They know what to do, even in the greatest darkness. They also experience no panic or anxiety. They are confident that I have prepared them and will guide them.

How do your receive this enlightened confidence? Slowly, daily. By many moments spent in my presence. By the Eucharist. By little sacrifices. By trusting me more. By choosing my ways. By removing yourself from every aspect of the world’s darkness. By fidelity. By loving your family. By reading about me. By helping the poor. By living with truth. Especially, by hearing my voice speaking in your heart.

Come. We will learn together. Light brings new confidence and confidence brings greater light. They go together, like your right foot and your left foot. One step at a time, we walk this road of enlightened confidence.

Comment: What an important gift. So needed in the coming darkness.

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