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Plunged Into the Holy Spirit

Tuesday, October 07, 2014


The power of my Immaculate Conception must go forth in new ways and I must first explain this gift. From the very beginning, the Lord conceived me. I was always in his mind as the mother of His Son. When sin entered the world, I took on another role. I was the Woman, the Woman whose Son would crush Satan’s head and the Woman Clothed With the Sun.

Yet, I myself was to be conceived like everyone else, as a descendant of sinful Adam. I would be tainted by original sin. In light of the great mystery of Jesus, this could not be. So, the Father himself had to intervene with the greatest grace. I was physically conceived like everyone else, but as my soul came forth from the Father’s hand, he plunged me into the Holy Spirit (who would be my spouse).

Satan believed that by leading the first parents into sin, that he gained power over all their children, the entire human race. By this Immaculate Conception, for the first time, he had no control over a creature. I was not his. I was plunged into the Holy Spirit. This is the mystery of the Immaculate Conception. This immaculate gift is the door out of sin and darkness, a surprising escape over which Satan has no power.

The Immaculate Conception is everyone’s door to escape Satan’s darkness. With these words, I begin to reveal the great mystery, the only road to peace.

Comment: Our Lady reveals the hidden mysteries which happened over 2000 years ago.

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