Casting New Fire Upon the Church
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Human history continues on its path until some Movement arises, which points out a new direction. How many times such movements have saved the world and rescued human history before it succumbed to the evil of its own decisions. At the center of these movements were strong personalities surrounded by devout disciples.
They knew how to spread their ideas so that many others joined in their fervor. The greater their numbers and the greater their devotion to their cause, the more powerful would be their impact.
Such was the vision of Jesus, as he gathered his disciples and taught them how to gather others. Released into human history was the great movement called Christianity which turned the world away from destruction and formed a new way of thinking and acting.
What has happened to this Movement? It now embraces the whole world. Christians live everywhere in almost every culture. In some places and among some groups, the original fervor remains. However, in so many places and in the hearts of those who call themselves Christian, the fervor of Jesus has cooled down. Even the understanding of his goals have been lost. The Movement has been swallowed up. The light no longer goes forth. The fire has been extinguished. Many claim the name of Jesus but the throbbing power of his life does not flow in their hearts.
This is why I act. This is my goal. More than any other disciple, I received the divine fire. It never grew cold in my heart. It always blazed with its initial fervor. Now I want to pour out this fire upon the whole Church. I take for myself, the words that Jesus used, “I have come to cast fire upon the earth”. If I do not cast this fire of divine love, rousing all believes to a new life in Christ, the human race will be unable to turn aside from its rush into a fire that will destroy all.
Comment: Human history records many movements that changed its course. Our Lady seeks the renewed fervor of the Movement begun by Jesus.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024