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The Blood of Martyrs

Saturday, June 07, 2014


For 2000 years, the Catholic Church has preached the gospel to all creatures. Today, this Church extends throughout the world, with a hierarchical communion of the Pope with his bishops, with their pastors and their people. This worldwide organization has been built upon the sacrifices of so many who, over these 20 centuries, have left their native lands to preach the gospel in the far corners of the world. Many who believed their word, have shed their blood for their faith. Today, this shedding of blood takes place more than ever, especially in Muslim countries that kill in the name of their Allah.

You, who have killed and continue to kill my children, the martyrs’ blood is on your hands, but it is a saving blood. I remember every single drop and hold each drop as holy. They are with me now and, in the spirit of Jesus, they plead for your salvation. Their blood has divine power and cannot be washed away with water. This blood is buried in your streets and in your cities. It cries out to me, not to condemn you but that I should come to you so that Jesus is also in your hearts and on your lips. That day will come sooner than you think.

Comment: Our Lady will reveal the great power present in the worldwide Catholic Church.

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