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Putin-The Hammer of Satan

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


The story unfolds in a surprising way. What was thought to be stable and decided, namely, the allegiance of the nations after the collapse of Communism, is suddenly making a different choice. The tide is being reversed. Voices that clamored for independence now want to be united again with Russia.

Where does this force come from? What has turned the people around so quickly? Have they forgotten so soon what their former life was like? Do they know what awaits them?

What is taking place rests totally and completely in the soul of one man – Vladimir Putin. For years, Satan guided and protected him, keeping him out of the limelight and always fostering his career. At the right moment, he lifted him up. No one expected him to last long but he moved quickly to grab, to consolidate, and then to cling to his power.

Putin sits in the very center of Satan’s plans. He has kept alive the dictator in Syria and has provided scientists to Iran. He has fostered relationships with all who hate the West and has clearly made them dependent upon himself. He grabs wealth that is not his and fashions everything according to Satan’s plans. The Western leaders are not his equal, even though their resources are much greater.

Putin will be the hammer which Satan uses again and again to weaken the West and cause unforeseen troubles. His stealing the Ukraine rips a massive hole in the protection surrounding Europe. At this point, nothing in Europe is safe. The European leaders thought they had built a strong city. Now, they do not even have a wall protecting their interests.

Comment: The events in the Ukraine threaten all of Europe much more than anyone suspects.

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