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Come and Do Not Delay

Thursday, February 20, 2014


All can see it clearly. Revolutions and violence breaking out where formerly there was peace.

The problems are never solved. No country is secure because Satan knows the weakness of each country. He touches the raw nerve and the Achilles heel. Unrest, protest, violence, deaths and destruction of a nation’s life follow. The causes lie hidden until the violence breaks forth. Only when it is too late do people see and understand.

Others say, “It cannot happen here. Our country is safe.” You only see the surface of reality. Your foundations have long ago been weakened. The hidden evil flows freely in the sewers beneath your streets, only waiting for the right moment to flow over.

By these words, I bring to light the evil that flows everywhere – in your banking systems, in your political life, in your schools, in your homes and in your hearts. No natural answer exists for these evils.

The world needs a supernatural power which understands and can defeat these evils. Yet, how many will turn to the supernatural? The stakes are high and mounting. I say this clearly.

The whole world is at stake. Yes, all of earth is ready to be thrust into Satan’s fire. He will not wait. He sees that a complete and total victory is soon to be in his grasp. Once that happens, he will not wait one moment.

For now, he rejoices in his partial victories (and they are everywhere). However, soon partial victories will be as no victory at all to him, when he will be able to pull everything into his hell on earth.

I wait and I wait. Only the Woman is a match for him. I will fight him everywhere, even in hand to hand combat and I will always win. He knows that and does all he can to delay my coming onto the world stage. My entrance will be late and will happen through my beloved priest son. Until then, all must invoke me. Do not wait. “O Woman clothed with the sun, come and do not delay”. Say that often and I will come into your heart and into every situation.

Comment: Our Lady’s warning and her promise are universal. Everything will either be captured by Satan or by the Woman.

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