Why the Daily Locution?
Friday, November 01, 2013
I speak daily because people make decisions every day. These decisions are not made in a vacuum. People are pulled in every direction by powerful forces that entrap and addict them. I speak so the person can experience a different attraction. My voice calls each person to a special road that the world refuses to believe in, does not advocate and preaches violently against.
O reader, let my words entice your heart. Let there be new inner stirrings. Do not ignore or stifle these new desires. Decide to serve God, not man. Follow these new longings and live for God. Long for heaven and for eternal life”.
When these hopes fill you, when you rejoice to see the inner changes, when you see yourself becoming my new creation, then you know that my daily words have accomplished their task.
These locutions are my gift to you. I have come and found you.
Comment: The powerful modern world attracts to darkness. So, Mary offers a new different attraction. Her voice and her words call us to a surprising path.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024