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Evangelizing and Miracles

Sunday, September 01, 2013


The evangelizing success of the Early Church depended much on signs and wonders. When Peter healed the lame man in the temple, 5000 came to believe (Acts 4:4). When Paul healed Publius at Malta, the whole island believed (and remains Catholic until today). When Philip went to Samaria, he drove out many demons. Paralyzed and crippled people were cured. Great joy, came upon the city and many were baptized. (Acts C7).

These events parallel the ministry of Jesus. He preached that the kingdom of God was present. His miracles showed the people that his preaching was true. Jesus told his disciples to proclaim the gospel to every creature and to baptize those who believed. He promised that signs would accompany the preaching, that they would drive out demons and heal the sick by laying hands. Evangelization and miracles should go together.

Widespread evangelizing without widespread signs and wonders is impossible. Many try to preach but (as Paul says) are ignorant of these spiritual gifts of healing, raising from the dead and driving out demons. Their harvest is bound to be small.

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