Powers in Jesus’ Heart
Sunday, April 21, 2013
When will mankind learn these mysteries of the Father’s divine will? When will they say, “Let us seek the mysteries. In them, alone, can we find peace?” When will the person ask, “Why do I not seek the mystery of God’s will? Then I will find my way”. This is why I have spoken and revealed these powers that lie in my heart, waiting for each person. They are the salvation of all mankind. They still abide in my heart because so many have no interest in these powers. They are limitless. They extend to everyone. They are not meant only for a few. To all the world, I say “Come into my heart and find your destiny before it is too late and the darkness overtakes you.
The mysteries are powerful and complex but I must bring these words to a conclusion. All are invited. Your mysteries also, are with the others. When you find them, they will fill you with a light that you have never enjoyed before. You will also receive power to do what is required. Then, the gift will be complete. When the mysteries of your life go from my heart (where Jesus has placed them) into your heart, we can begin a new life together. How different everything will be as you act in God’s light and power.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024