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Striving and Restlessness

Monday, April 08, 2013


Yearning drives the human heart, not allowing it to rest. Mankind is always striving, never satisfied and always searching. Restlessness has become his burden and he carries this burden so poorly, always complaining under its yoke.

So, I repeat my invitation, “Come to me all you who are burdened and find life difficult. You shall find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light”.

Each day has its goal. Each moment has its task but this should fulfill man not burden him.

This is the secret of my teachings.


Mankind rushes ahead in a thousand different directions, never stopping, never turning to God for light. Mankind plunges into a darkness that makes all its efforts so futile. Its powers are wasted on the frivolous and its heart is consumed by what passes away. The real goals of life are set aside and false idols are worshipped.

O Mankind, come to me. Pause. Stop. Pray. Be still. Do this and I will come. I will speak and you will learn to listen to my quiet voice within. You will be my child and I shall be your mother. So many frustrations and so much confusion need not happen.

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