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When the Road Ends

Sunday, April 07, 2013


Many hearts come to a point where the road seems to end and they do not see where to walk next. For these souls, the darkness has come. It is like night, yet their heart keeps beating and their heart keeps searching. At this point, many mistakes are made. The person turns back, giving up their hopes and turning to momentary pleasures. They despair and grow despondent.

I speak now to the person who seemingly has come to the end of the road, for whatever reason.

Do not continue to pursue this road. Read the signs carefully. This road leads no further. The end of the road is an invitation to seek another road that you have constantly put off.

Come, I will give you new life on another road which you have always avoided until now. Your own road has come to an end. Now, you will walk my road.


A great mystery is contained in those words. The death of your desires is the new life of other desires. One road ends. A better road begins. You are not a failure. Nor are you without hope. You have a call of God which you do not yet see and mystery which you still must fulfill. So much is still ahead. Let us search together for your new road.

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