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The War Has Begun

Saturday, February 16, 2013


I take the time to explain each part in great detail so the whole picture will be clear. The resignation of Pope Benedict is the beginning of the great war. It is now the hour of conflict when the armies of Satan rise up to destroy the Church. However, this resignation was a surprise, the Woman Clothed With the Sun took the initiative. Seeing all that is to come, she began the war. This surprise move has shifted everything. Now, Satan must adjust to the reality of the new pope who sees so clearly that this is the Age of Mary. The new pope will usher in this Age of Mary. He will take all the steps. He will not be deterred by any obstacle. He places no trust in his own powers and knows that the world can only be saved through the intervention of my Mother. He sees clearly what must be done and will not waste any time, in taking all the steps.


A Pope Fashioned By Mary

I have fashioned this new pope with my own hands. Our spirits are as one, joined together by the Spirit of God. He understands my plans and listens to my words. He walks with me. I have shown him my secrets and shared with him my plans. All that he does is guided by me. He takes no step without invoking my name.

How I have kept him, like none other, always preparing him for the moment when I say to the world, “This is my pope, fashioned by my hands. He will be a light to the nations and the glory of my people, Israel”. None will defeat him, even though he has no power. None will destroy him, even though the fires of hell have already tried to do that. He is mine, hidden for so many, many years in my heart and now about to be revealed to the whole world.

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