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Events That Change Earth

Monday, November 26, 2012


All who hear these words can put them into practice. They are not difficult. If you make a little effort, I can offer you the help that you will so much need.

No need to despair or to search in vain. I will come to you, wherever you are. I will offer you all the help that you will need in these events. I must speak in this way. I must constantly mention these events because they will change your life on earth. You will need these extraordinary helps that I am so ready to provide.


We have spoken enough about these events. By these repeated words, the message is very clear. The road ahead will not be the same as the road you are now walking. New and much greater difficulties will confront all of mankind. Each part of the world will experience these difficulties, each according to its circumstances.

Some parts will be at the very center of the events and these will experience the greatest sufferings. Other parts will be at the edge, somewhat protected. Yet, all will experience a new moment of darkness and confusion.

In these dark moments, we are ready to offer extraordinary helps to all who call upon us. That is why we speak so clearly, before the events happen. Do not wait. Do not postpone that special moment of turning to me. I will lead you to Jesus.

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Last Publish:  September 20, 2024