Marian Cross - Transparent Background

Need To Believe

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Many will not believe my words, even those who try to serve me. They will continue to use their own efforts to bring about my kingdom. However, these efforts will fail. They are not enough in the face of the enormous powers of modern evil.

If, however, they believe and open their hearts to my coming, I will share with them my powers. I will do my signs and wonders through them because they so much want to serve me. To these I address my words because through them many others will be led into the kingdom. To these servants, especially, I say, “I am coming. Watch and pray.”


When the angel came to me and told me that I would be the Mother of God, I had to believe. God was about to bring the greatest blessing in history. He would take flesh and dwell among us. This was the moment of Jesus’ first coming. However, this all depended on me. God would not force his way into his own creation. Such is the way of God. He places so much in the hands of men.

At that moment, I had to believe that God would truly do this. So you, O servant of the Most High, who so desire that his kingdom come, who so desires a complete victory over evil, you, too, must believe these words. Jesus will come upon the earth in a special way with extraordinary manifestations. Please believe his words so that his power is fully manifested.

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