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Man’s Infinite Desires

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I want to go to the very center of the human heart. This center orients the person. If the center is not focused correctly, other efforts to bring the human heart onto its right path will fail. This orientation of the human heart has been totally overlooked by modern man. Man’s heart is made for the infinite God. Nothing else will satisfy. All other searches will result in frustration because no finite good can quench the infinite thirst which lies in the human heart.

No one can remove this thirst. Even death itself does not take it away. After death, the human heart must face itself. The human person is alone after death, with no other options. The human person is either filled with the infinite God or is eternally empty from not seeking the infinitely good Trinity. Only God can save man from the agony of his own infinite desires.

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Last Publish:  September 20, 2024