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Who Do You Say I Am?

Wednesday, August 08, 2012


Amid all these events, I had to define what the Father was doing and the central definition was who I was and what was my relationship to the Father. I could not define this for the crowds. They would totally misinterpret what I would reveal.

So, I led my disciples to the outer regions of Galilee, toward Caesarea-Philippi, and I opened the question, “Who do people say I am?” They answered, “John the Baptist, Elijah or one of the prophets”. Then I asked, “Who do you say I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Messiah”.

The great revelation began to unfold. What the crowds believed about my person was not important. What the disciples believed was vital because this would become the core and center of faith. They must understand who I am and what the Father did when he had me become flesh.

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