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Do Not Forget the Unborn

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Everything continues to unravel, all that my hand had tightly brought together as I formed America. I rooted her in the religious traditions of her ancestors. I gave her the clearest of Constitutions. I spread before her this land, from sea to shining sea.

I appeared to General Washington and told him of my care for the Republic. Now, the Republic unravels at an amazing pace. Interest groups rise up. Politicians swerve off the mark. My people are scattered. Everything is coming apart.

Ills will come upon an America whom I love and whom I hold deep in my heart. She will be buffeted from every side, but it will be the internal strife that will most quickly rip her apart. Her unity will be in jeopardy. The Constitution itself, will be greatly tested by all the forces pulling in so many different directions. I have spoken before and I will speak again. A Constitution that does not protect the unborn is no Constitution at all.

A Disintegrating Constitution

Repair your Constitution, America, before it is too late and the forces of disintegration take firm hold. You do not see this. It is hidden from your eyes. You think all is well when the hidden foundation of your society is rotting away.

How many aborted babies do I need to count? Their number mounts higher every day. They weigh heavily on the scales of justice and you are found wanting on the other side. I knew their names. They are written on the walls of my heart, like you inscribe your deceased war heroes on your walls.

Who speaks about them? Are they a serious issue in your political campaign? They have been knocked down the ladder of political priorities. But they still stand at the top of my list. Those politicians who seriously take up the cause of the unborn, I will place in my heart and I will guide them through the Halls of Congress, placing them in important positions. To the voters and to the candidates, I say “Do not forget the Unborn”.

Comment: Mary correctly brings the abortion issue to the center of the agenda.

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