Memories that Boil Over
Monday, April 30, 2012
Disturbances are everywhere. Nothing is stable. The world hurtles to a self-destruction. No one controls these events which intertwine like the elements of an explosion. Yes, the inevitable explosion. Does anyone believe that suddenly peace will descend upon the world, that arms will be put away and that treaties will last? This is the wildest of delusions. It seems impossible that peace will just come down from heaven. Yet, that is my message.
I am the Queen of Peace and I hold all the elements of peace in my heart. Peace begins with forgiveness of the past, the putting aside of memories which control the present and determine the future.
Look at the Middle East. Look at Africa. Look at what happened in Bosnia. Memories that go back for centuries boil over, never able to be erased, never allowing for true peace and understanding.
Erasing Memories
What if tomorrow, every memory of past wars, injustices and conflicts were erased from human memory, what would happen? Mankind could begin over again. Nations could work together and earth could once again become the home for God’s children.
So, I say to the nations, to people, to all societies and to you, the reader, “Erase your memories by forgiveness. Set aside those memories that only lead you to anger and violence.” I am not asking you to set aside self-defense. I am asking you to destroy the memories that lead you to violence as a means of correcting the past. Who asks you to correct the past? God will bring about your vindication. He will uphold your cause. Your task is to uphold his cause and to walk in his ways.
I have not yet spoken about the great gift, which heaven will send down like the rain all over the earth. I have only spoken about what you, O reader, can do right now. Purge yourself of memories that lead to anger. I will help you.
Comment: So much violence, personal and worldwide, erupts from memories of the past.

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