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Mary’s Inner Experiences

Thursday, March 22, 2012

(Note: This message begins a series of teaching which reveal the thoughts of Mary’s Immaculate Heart.)


I always walked in God’s light and, as my life went on, the light grew greater until I was totally clothed in divine light. I had always said “Yes” to God but a moment came when my whole being was totally and completely absorbed in the divine. By this gift, I accepted all the sufferings caused by my Son’s passion and death.

God’s Embrace

When that death came, I experienced a new grace. The hand of God embraced me as never before. The Father called me “daughter”. The Son called me “mother”. The Spirit called me “espoused”. I entered into realms of God that I had never seen before, moving into the divine mysteries, seeing the divine beauty and experiencing God’s delights. This was in the upper parts of my spirit because in the lower parts I was experiencing all the darkness and sadness of a mother grieving over the death of her only son. This is my message to those who love me.

Receiving Mary’s Light

I cannot free you of all your suffering here on earth, just as the Father did not spare me the suffering that was involved with my life. However, in those darkest moments, I can come to you in the highest parts of your spirit. I can bathe you in my light, even when your human spirit is immersed in the greatest darkness.

I promise to teach you my secrets and to share with you my religious experiences, but you must come aside. I cannot do this unless you give yourself to prayer, to solitude, to reading my messages. Yes, read the messages because they contain eternal life for you. Ponder them and put them into practice, even if this is slowly and step-by-step.

Revealing the Secrets

I want to open the whole world to the mystical graces that flow from my Immaculate Heart. The heavenly Father immersed me into all the sufferings of Calvary so he could open up these secret doors of his blessings. I now have these blessings. I hold them for you. Everyone can become a mystic. The graces are available to all. This is the secret of devotion to my Immaculate Heart which I am revealing through these messages.

Comment: With this message, Mary begins a unique series of teaching about her inner experiences.

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