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A New Year of Great Uncertainty

Saturday, December 31, 2011


The doors open up to a new year of great uncertainty. What lies ahead for the world and the Church? Let me take each one separately.

The foundations of the world are not firm and they can ill afford a renewal of all the problems. Yet, these problems are still present. They have not been resolved and no solution is in sight. So, the prognosis for stability and progress is very poor. Added to this fragile foundation will be all the new, unforeseen problems, many of them surprising. In America, the fight over taxing the rich will escalate, while many of the other issues will be sidelined.

America will just sink further and further into debt. A great morass, a cesspool of inaction will paralyze the legislature and the President will delight that he can blame the other party. All of this will weaken American more quickly than anything else. Only the election will determine America’s future because nothing will be accomplished before that.

Europe will continue battling its debt crisis with inadequate reforms, postponing the inevitable when the collapse will come. Egypt will come more and more under Muslim control.

Even now, they envision a complete control of the elections. They know their goals and will act quickly while everyone else protests to no avail.

Israel realizes the changed nature of the region and that it stands alone. It is not really favored by Washington and is the object of hatred of its closest neighbors. It will turn to its military might but in vain. The forces of destruction are too great.

China will move to greater global power. America does not understand her designs to conquer the world but the Spirit of God is moving in the house churches. With America’s economic debt, China feels it always has the trump card. America is weakened by its severe economic problems.

Iran will move against its neighbor, Iraq, and will control as much as possible. Iraq will suffer much from all the internal struggles and the external incursions. I weep over Iraq to see it dismembered and helpless.

Afghanistan will not stand. Everything will fall. The regime will be toppled and chaos will exist. The Taliban will grow strong and feel that they have no one to oppose them now that America has withdrawn.

Pakistan will become the biggest problem. Its borders will be porous and evil will flow freely, back and forth. The military will assume more control. Civilian leadership will be very weakened and ready to collapse. Al-Qaeda will be waiting in the wings. This will be its greatest prize – to control nuclear arms. The stage is set for such a scenario.

All of these are the forces that are in place as the New Year begins. Russia is tottering and those now in control have to readjust their sights and take a step backward. However, do not be fooled, Putin is a clever leader who has many high officials in his back pocket. He is not ready to give up, now that he sees so many of his goals in sight. He has forged many friendships. He has ingratiated Russia into the hearts of many leaders. He is trying to outmaneuver the United States, no matter what. The question of right and wrong does not disturb him. He seeks only that Russia regains its place as a world power.

That is the review. The picture is a dark one, with few rays of light. This is the path which the world has chosen, led by darkness instead of light. It need not be this way. It could have been much different, but the choices have been made and this is where they have led.

Comment: Mary gives her overview of the world scene.

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