Waters That will Quench the Satanic Fire
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
What is hidden from man? What lies behind the scenes? There is a demonic fire, raging in full force, which feeds upon human suffering. Yes, his fire feeds on your suffering and when you see the great suffering in the world today, know that this is food for his fire, which would consume the whole earth and make it into Satan’s hell. That is his goal.
Is there not a stream of water, which can put out his fires? You have already tried your human water and have seen your efforts collapse. Your water is no match for his fire, so he will encourage you to try your solutions again and again. He knows there is one stream which flows from my Immaculate Heart. When men invoke me, the stream comes forth in abundance and the demonic fires are quenched. This is the warfare I am describing, the war which takes place every day of human history.
Now the conflagration has spread from the individual heart to the world scene. A new leader has arisen in North Korea, but the one who appears to be the leader is not the leader. He is the puppet, the face that is put forward, the anointed son. The powers are in the background.
They were always waiting for their chance and now they see the opening. Be assured of this.
Satan will have his man handpicked and ready, prepared for years for this moment when he can seize power. And others are with him, ready to proclaim him so that all know that he has their support.
As the Satanic fire continues to consume the world, the powerful waters of my heart do not flow out because mankind is unaware. They do not see the forces behind the scenes. They do not even think in terms of the supernatural. For man, all is reason. Life is rational not supernatural. Well, this is my challenge. “Put out the demonic fires with your rational powers. Try to stop the fires that are consuming your world. You will totally fail. You have no water that can turn back his flames”.
My water would lessen passions, cool anger, soften hearts, open eyes, refresh spirits and draw people into faith. I would do this for families, for churches and for nations. The great rivers stand ready to flow. Satan is aware of this. He wants to keep man blinded and trusting in the power of reason. Then he will have time to consume the world. How long will you delay?
Parts of the world have already been lost.
Comment: The image is so clear. Look at the world. So many parts totally enveloped in suffering.

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