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The Israel – Iran Nuclear War

Tuesday, November 08, 2011


What is deep within comes to the surface. What is sown in the field comes forth in the harvest (good or bad). This is the law of nature and it is also the way of the kingdom, except for one thing. The Father wants to intervene. He does not say, “Look at mankind, he has sown evil; I will let him reap evil.” No. He wants to destroy evil. What is planted can be torn up. Even though man has sinned for centuries, even though he has sown evil seeds of terrible destructive power, seeds that are beginning to break through the surface, there does not need to be a harvest of evil and destruction. This is why the Father has sent me, the final preacher, the final word of warning to mankind. He has sent me because although evil seeds are about to bring forth an evil harvest, the Father can and will intervene, even at this last moment, if only mankind repents of what he has done.

All of this seems impossible. There have been so many sins for such a long time (so many abortions for so many decades). How can, at this last minute, the harvest of death be avoided?

Yes, that is what man has sown, a harvest of death, and that is what man is about to reap, a harvest of death. Not at the hands of the heavenly Father but at the hands of man himself.

Satan has stirred up nation against nation, peoples against peoples. He has armed them with the most destructive weapons (and he is continuing to arm them at an alarming rate). The nuclear arms are being moved into place. Soon they will be aimed at Israel. All the world just watches, as if it has seen this before. Did not India and Pakistan gain nuclear arms to defend themselves (as they said)? Yet, these arms have never been used. Iran is not arming itself for self-defense. Satan owns their hearts. From the very beginning, they had their target, Israel.

How imminent is this confrontation? Will it not draw other nations into the conflict? Will it not touch a match to all the oil spread throughout the Middle East (I deliberately use that image)? Once that fire it lit, how will it be contained? I say clearly, the hour is late. The great harvest of worldwide destruction is about to come forth. Yet, even at this hour, the Father will intervene but no one calls upon me or listens to these words. I am God’s final preacher.

Comment: The world has gotten so used to nuclear proliferation that it views man as just another country gaining atomic weapons, but Iran is different.

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