Marian Cross - Transparent Background

The Responsibility of Parents

Wednesday, November 02, 2011


I watch over the world like the most loving mother watching over her sick children. Is there not a special love that goes forth from a mother when a child is sick? Does she not always think of the child and even want to absorb its pain? Such are my feelings toward the children of the whole world. I see all their ills and have a constant desire to bring about their good health.

I see those who are causing them to be ill, who care nothing about God’s law or whom they lead into immoral behavior. They do not feat to scandalize the little ones or to invite them into the worst of sins. Can no one see the evil power of scandal? Can no one see the responsibility for the children? Do you want me to list what happens every day? How the children go unprotected?

Let us begin with the parents, the primary teachers of their children. They think nothing of the literature that comes into the home. They think nothing of the television programs they watch (which means their children watch them also). They think nothing of the products that are advertised. Sometimes, they think nothing of the language which they use, including my Son’s name. They pretend that their children do not see or do not hear. Or, they think that they do not understand. I say to you. They see. They hear. They remember. They understand all too well, even better than you do. Their hearts are innocent and the evil makes a deep impression. There are memories they will never forget. They will always remember your words and actions in your home. Do you not remember what you parents did and said? Did this not deeply affect you? Now it is your turn. This is the way that God made the human family. The parents mold the children. God created them and put them in your hands. “How can I fulfill this responsibility?” you ask. Let your own heart be pure and chaste and right with God. That is where you must begin. Purify your heart and you will purify your home. Nothing is more important. I will help you.

Comment: A purified home is the parent’s greatest gift to their children.

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