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The Election Process

Thursday, October 06, 2011


Why do I speak this way? Because my heart is filled with sorrow as I see people scattered in so many directions. No one can unify them and draw them together in their common concerns.

They are scattered sheep without a shepherd. Many try to be their shepherd and to claim the crown of leadership but no one succeeds. All have their little following, those to whom they appeal, but none can gather all together for a united front. This is the situation in the Republican Party.

Meanwhile, the Democratic president continues his policies that have been so ineffective. However, he is locked into them, unable at this point, to adapt to the changing situation.

As a result, events carry the country along and events will continue to decide the path, not leadership. No one arises to say “This is the way we should go”, even though that path should be clear. Instead, there are political compromises or political stalemates. America suddenly looks old, burdened with a tax system which is anachronistic and counterproductive.

Such is the state of America as it turns the corner and begins to face the early primaries straight ahead. These come closer and closer. States are always changing their dates, trying to be more in the limelight. This only confuses the process even more, forcing the candidates to run a race different than what they foresaw.

From all of this mix, will the right person emerge? One who can lead this country in a sound direction? How many things can go wrong! How much can be bought with money! How many elections can be stolen! Suddenly, the wrong leader, the one whom so many people do not want to see, is able to put together a winning coalition, piecing together what is needed to be elected. This is why I weep – at the frightening sight of such a man once more gaining the presidency.

However, if America does not seek me, if it continues to turn its back, then nothing can be done. Pray, America. Fall to your knees. Your own efforts are worthless against this darkness which you have chosen.

Comment: Mary is consistent. She said America chose the darkness. Now, it might choose it again.

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