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Jerusalem – The Center of World Peace

Monday, September 26, 2011


At the center of my heart is Jerusalem. This was always true but even more so now, because my blood sanctifies its soil. Anywhere that a martyr has been slain, the blood sanctifies that soil. The heavenly Father notes all of those places. Rome is holy because of the blood of Peter and Paul and so many other Christians.

In some places the blood of martyrs still flows. There are pilgrimages and devotions on that ground and even miracles. In other places, no devotion occurs and the blood, so to speak, does not flow.

The Blood Shed at Jerusalem

My blood was not just shed at Jerusalem but it was meant to flow continuously. Yet, look at the history, all that has happened there. Indeed, some pilgrimages take place, but in so many ways my blood does not flow from Jerusalem as it should. Today, Jerusalem is seen as a political place, controlled by Israel. That is not its importance. My blood anoints its soil and I want my blood to flow out to all the world – to Jews, and Christians and Arabs. They must gather in Jerusalem and there will be peace in the flowing of my blood. Jerusalem is at the center of my heart because there I will gather the nations for world peace.

Comment: Few see Jerusalem as Jesus sees it.

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