Marian Cross - Transparent Background

The Sunday Dollar

Sunday, August 21, 2011


America is like a field that has been neglected for so many years. Formerly, it was a fertile field, bringing forth the fruits of goodness. It had the houses of worship, families which prayed and marriages that lasted. Now, all its fruits have spoiled because an enemy has sown his fruits. What will I do with this field that was mine and is no longer mine, with a nation that was consecrated but now renounces its consecration? Are you ready to declare like the European nations, “We are secular”? The words are already on your lips. Do not say them. Do not let me hear those words. This would be the final break. Your ties to God are already tenuous, yet there is some life. Can the religious spirit regain its fervor? Let us see. Let us examine the situation. I will point out the problems.

You have filled the Lord’s Day with your concerns. ”Why close the stores?” you say. “Why deprive ourselves of this day, when so much can be sold?” Yes, much is sold – it is your soul that you are selling for the almighty dollar, but your dollar is no longer almighty. Store up your dollars. Soon they will be of much less value. Sell your goods. Soon your people will be in debt. Open your stores. They are filled with goods made in other nations. Is this want you want, America? Is this the American dream?

Well, I have a different dream and if you do not accept my dream, then yours will soon be a nightmare, and that day is not far away.

This is my dream for you, America. I want a Lord’s Day when your Churches are full and your stores are closed. Do not the two go together? Can a family be at both? Are not your open stores a challenge to the Churches? Do they not appeal to the selfishness of man? Will he not always think of what he needs? He thinks of what he can obtain, even when he is already in debt.

Many will not listen to me. But those who hear my words can act. Keep holy the Lord’s Day, and I will keep you safe in the coming trials.

Comment: To keep alive the religious spirit demands a setting aside of secular pursuits. When secular activity goes on as usual, many forget their religious duties.

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