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A Commentary on the Modern World

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Revealing Her Secrets

All the doors will open – the doors to nations, the doors to leaders, the doors to the hearts of the people, the doors to my secrets, and the door to my heart. Nothing will be hidden. All will be revealed to know and to see and to believe. The words will reveal the truths behind the reality. Just let the words flow like a stream. Let us begin.

Comment: All will be touched by the words that follow revealing the realities beneath the surface.

The Streams of Heaven’s Blessings

When men harden their hearts, the stream of heaven’s blessings cannot flow into that place.

God did not place every blessing in creation. He reserved some powers to himself. He held back the power to create the human person, reserving that to himself.

This is only the first “holding back” because the Father also holds back every spiritual blessing. He “held them back” in the sense that they are not in the power of man. God did not give to man the power to create the spiritual. Man cannot create peace or goodness or forgiveness. He also cannot overcome spiritual evils – hatred, envy, lust. Overcoming these is beyond his power.

Yet, look at mankind. Does it not believe that everything is within it powers? Then, when society is pulled apart, when violence erupts between nations, mankind is surprised and asks, “Why does this happen?” Man does not understand the heavenly stream that flows from the throne of God. This stream contains every blessing that mankind so desperately needs. The Father has provided everything but mankind does not look to the Father. Mankind operates with the false notion that he contains in his hands all that is needed to form human life and world peace.

Mankind wants creation for himself. He wants to take it and say “this is mine”. O foolish man.

Creation is not yours. Creation belongs to God. You do not have everything in your hands. The Father knew you would take everything to yourself. He knew you would appropriate what is his.

Creation is not owned by man but by God. Let your wars, your killings, you revolutions, your intrigues – let them all speak to you. You will not listen to the churches so listen to your worldly news. Just listen to what is broadcast each night on your televisions.

Tell me, O conceited man, do you have peace? Look at the stirrings on every side. You do not have enough bombs, enough drones, enough technology to bring about peace. War, war, war.

There is war everywhere and the seeds of greater wars are already planted and waiting to be harvested.

You have forsaken the heavenly stream that flows from the throne of God. Come, turn back. If you begin again to drink from this stream, you will not need your guns and your bombs. Whoever drinks from this stream tastes peace and when anyone tastes peace they say, “Never again.

Never again the war”. That is when you have true peace. I am your mother, sorrowing over her children as they kill one another.

Comment: Mary pinpoints the problem. Mankind does not have all power. Many needed blessings come only from God but mankind does not look to the Father.

The Collapse of False Hopes

Can you dream only of material goals? Are your hearts limited to the sensual? Is this the way the Father made you? Did he not place a different dream in your heart? You ignore this. You are a stranger to your own heart. So many truths are planted there. Read them all. I will be your teacher. Let us begin.

It is spring. The flowers are fresh. The winter is over. All is hope. Nothing has come forth yet but all is beginning. Who placed hope in your heart? What is its purpose? Hope is often mangled, twisted to false goals. When this happens, hope becomes ambition, greed, a climb to power. False goals abound. When they are gained, they bring disillusion. You ask, “What is life all about? Why did I seek this? Why did I believe the false promises?

You have misread the hope which the heavenly Father placed in your heart. You have misused the promise of your life’s springtime. Go back. Find true hope, a hope that deals with heaven and with a life that you cannot see.

It is not too late, even if your earthly career has crashed. Do you not see? It is your false hopes that have collapsed. Now that they are scattered to the winds, you can search again for the true hopes. These are planted in your heart by the heavenly Father. You are made for God.

Nothing else will satisfy you. You are made for heaven. Earth passes away.

Do not say ”I am without hope”. Look again in your heart. An unopened gift still remains there. It reads, “If you wish, you can be a child of God and a citizen of heaven.

Comment: This is a beautiful teaching on hope. Directing hope to earthly goals mangles it. Destroyed earthly hopes recalls that a true hope is still an unopened gift planted in your heart.

Mary Sorrows Over Lost Souls

I want to share my sorrows. There are some who died today who will never live with me and some who will die tomorrow and not be with me. Many do not hear the gospel because they live in cultures of darkness. So my words must reach the darkest places of the world.

At first, my words will not be accompanied by signs but the time will come when my words are challenged. Then, I will give signs, not for those who challenge, but for the little ones, that they would continue to believe. Therefore, be open to the greatest of divine favors, even revelations of events that will take place. I will speak of the future actions of God and man.

I will speak of diabolical actions and reveal them ahead of time. I do all this because of my great sorrow for souls. The greatest divine favor is to love souls as I love them and to share in my sorrow over lost souls.

Comment: Mary’s heart is broken over souls who will not enter heaven.

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