Mary Ascends the Electronic Pulpit (the Internet)
Thursday, May 05, 2011
So many of my children, who used to be in my heart are missing. They were baptized and taught the truths but they are not here. I am their sorrowful mother and I must look for them. I will ascend the pulpit of the world. I will call out to them in the clearest of words. No matter where they are, my words will reach them.
Since their world no longer includes the Church, I will enter their world through the Internet. I will find new pulpits and give the clearest, most inviting teachings. At the same time, I will touch their hearts. They will know that it is a mother’s voice which invites them.
Translated into All Languages
I ascend the pulpit of the world to speak to all people, in their native language. The words will go forth on the Internet and will be translated into all languages by the little ones whom I hold in my heart. You will accompany me into the pulpit and record the words as they go forth.
Explaining All the Truths
The God who created the world wanted to reveal the mysteries of heaven. To do this, he chose a people to be his very own – the Israelites, also called the Jews. These are my people. He formed them by his word, which they collected into books.
He revealed many things but the most important was that there was only one true God. This truth separated the Israelites from the other nations. Although they knew that God was one, they did not know God’s inner life. Only Jesus, my Son, who is God, could reveal and explain God’s inner life. This is what Jesus explained.
God is a Father who brings forth his Son. The infinite love which they have for each other brings forth the Holy Spirit. The Father so loved the world that He sent his Son, Jesus, to save the world, (All of this I will explain later.) and to give to the world the same life which the Father and Son enjoy together. This life was given when the Father and the Son sent the Holy Spirit who begins to live within you when you believe in Jesus and are baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Comment: Mary gives a clear summary of Divine Revelation. God is one and in this oneness are three divine Persons. By the Holy Spirit, all can share in God’s inner life.
Disobedience and Obedience
Having spoken of what God did, I must now speak of what man did. Inside of you are powers not shared by the animals. You have a mind that can know God and a will that can obey him or disobey him. You can say “yes” or you can say “no” to God.
The history of man is filled with “no”. This is called “sin”. This tendency to sin (to disobey God) is now planted in every heart. It is a selfishness which destroys all that God would do.
Because I was going to be the Mother of God, God did not allow this power of sin to be planted in my heart. No power of disobedience ever touched me. I always said “yes” to God. Jesus, also, always said “yes” to his heavenly Father.
Because he was obedient to the Father, the leaders of Israel crucified Jesus. All the way to his death on the cross, Jesus said “yes”. I, also, said “yes” as I stood at the cross of my Son.
The heavenly Father heard this perfect “yes”. So, the Father and the Son poured out the Holy Spirit (their mutual “yes” to each other). This Holy Spirit empowers people to say their “yes” to the Father. Therefore, the Father can glorify us, just as he glorified Jesus. I want to explain exactly what will happen.
Comment: Jesus saves us from our “no” which separates us from God. He gives us the power to say “yes” which joins us to God and allows him to glorify us with Jesus.
The Glory of God
My Son, Jesus, always enjoyed life with his Father. This life we call “God’s glory”. By disobedience to God, man had lost God’s glory.
Jesus lowered himself and became a man. He even accepted death on a cross. His Father exalted him, raised him into glory and made his name above every other name. All who call on this name can be saved.
You are “saved” when your human spirit receives God’s Holy Spirit. This is God’s glory. This Holy Spirit raised the human nature of Jesus from the dead. This Holy Spirit will do the same for you as he did for my Son, Jesus. The important proof of this truth is that He already did this for Jesus. Let me tell you what happened. In this way you can believe that Jesus rose from the dead.
Comment: By becoming man and dying on the cross, Jesus made God’s glory available to us.
The Appearances
When Jesus was 30 years of age, he left our home and began to preach that the kingdom of God was at hand, the special moment that all of Israel had awaited for many centuries.
Jesus told everyone that God had sent him and that he was God’s Son. To prove this, he healed sick people, drove out evil spirits and even raised people from the dead. Many Jews believed and placed faith in Jesus. Some became his disciples, and from these he chose apostles, who were called the twelve.
Jesus predicted to these disciples that he would die on a cross and that he would rise from the dead. The disciples did not believe that he would be killed and they did not understand what “to rise from the dead” meant. Yet, both took place. After Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to these disciples for 40 days, proving to them that he had risen and instructing them about their future tasks.
These disciples were the important people in God’s plan. They told this story to the whole world. They had no fears. Many were killed because they preached this new way of life.
These disciples believed because they had seen the risen Jesus. Those to whom they preached believed because of the disciples’ words. Also, the disciples healed people and drove out demons. This little group was not educated, yet they preached to the whole world. This is what I am doing now. By their preaching, many received the opportunity to gain eternal life. Those who heard believed, were baptized and received the Holy Spirit.
This is why I am preaching now – preaching to the whole world by the Internet – so all receive the same opportunity for eternal life.
Comment: Just as the disciples went to the whole world, so Mary’s words go forth, telling what Jesus gained for us and giving all an opportunity for these riches.
A New Way of Living
(Jesus is Lord)
Jesus proved to these disciples that he was God, the Lord of all creation. He was God’s only Son and, with the Father, the source of the Holy Spirit. These disciples went forth telling the whole world to put aside their many false lords and to accept the true Lord, Jesus, into their hearts. This meant adopting a new way of life. The disciple has to live like the Master and the servant like his Lord.
Jesus lived in obedience to the Father and to his commandments. He lived in truth, in service to the Father and to others. He lived in chastity and purity of life. All of this I will explain now.
You human nature is selfish, controlled by your passions. You are a slave to sin. Baptism frees you from your slavery to sin and makes you a servant of goodness. You are a new creation, called out of your selfish darkness into Jesus’ light. This is how Jesus is different from your pagan gods. You offer them sacrifices but you go on leading your selfish lives. With Jesus you are lifted up, made a child of the light, guided and helped by God’s Holy Spirit. I will take this up again.
Comment: Many reject Jesus as Lord because this requires a new way of life. Choosing the true Lord demands a change.
The Christian Community
When the believers were baptized and received the Holy Spirit, they could not return to their former way of life. So, they supported one another. They joined together for prayers and the teachings of the apostles and the sharing in the Eucharist.
This same method was used by the missionaries. Baptism demanded that the new believers leave behind their sinful way of life. To accomplish this, the believers formed new Christian communities. They came under Jesus who had promised to stay in their midst until the end of the world.
This is true even now. The baptized must remain with the community. Jesus has already given himself as the food for the community. That is my next teaching.
Comment: Mary stresses the communal aspect of Baptism and the believer’s duty to gather.
The Eucharist
The Holy Spirit forms the Christian community. He lives within each member and unites them.
His goal is that every member proclaim Jesus as Lord. To gain this, he recalls all that Jesus did and taught.
Even more, he overshadows bread and wine so that Jesus himself lives in their midst and is food for their divine life. I will tell you how this gift was given.
One day, thousands of people gathered to hear Jesus preach. This was in a deserted place and the hour was late. Jesus took some bread and fish into his hands and blessed them. He gave them to his disciples, who distributed them. All 5000 were fed. This multiplication of food was a sign to everyone of Jesus’ special powers.
The next time that they gathered, Jesus used this miracle to promise a greater gift. He would provide bread come down from heaven, his own body and blood, to give them eternal life. He promised that if they ate his flesh and drank his blood, he would raise them up on the last day.
At this time, many did not understand the promise. First, Jesus had not yet died and been raised to glory. Second, they did not understand how he could give his flesh to eat and his blood to drink. I will explain this the next time.
Comment: Mary leads into her teaching on the Eucharist by describing the preparatory events – the multiplication of food and the promise of the Eucharist (John, Chapter 6).
The Last Supper
On the night before he died, Jesus was at supper with the twelve apostles. He took bread, blessed it and gave it to them to eat, saying, ‘This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me”. Then he took a chalice of wine and said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in memory of me”.
Now the twelve apostles understood the promise. The bread and wine had become the Real Presence of Jesus. When they would say the same words in his name, Jesus would always become present. As they ate and drank, he would enter their souls with the divine life he had from the Father, uniting them to God through his body and blood. Celebrating the Eucharist is the central act of Christian worship.
Comment: Mary explains clearly the daily Catholic practice of Holy Communion.
The Apostles Creed
I have taught you long enough, explaining all the basic beliefs. Now, I want to gather you.
Your world is filled with darkness and Jesus is the light. If my words have stirred you, then read them again and again. I have instructed you as simply as I could.
Our names are important. I am Mary, the mother of God. Jesus is my Son. He was born to give you life, to save you from darkness and from the evil spirit. Do not wait. If you believe, seek Baptism from Christians in your land. If there are no Christians, then believe and baptize each other. First, learn this prayer:
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified died, and was buried. He descended into hell. On the third day, he rose from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God, the Father almighty. From there, he shall come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen.
Comment: Mary prepares all for Baptism through the Apostles Creed written explicitly to prepare believers for Baptism.
Explaining the Creed
I have explained these truths in the course of my teaching but let me review them in a systematic way.
God created the world. Jesus is God’s son. Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, sentenced him to death in Jerusalem. I was there when he was buried in a new tomb, not used by anyone else, made out of stone with a large rock across the opening.
On the third day he rose from that tomb and began appearing to the disciples for 40 days. Then they saw him taken up to heaven to prepare a place for all who believe in him.
On the final day, he will come down from heaven and will judge everyone. Some he will take to heaven. Others he will send away because they did not believe in him and did not receive his Spirit.
The Holy Spirit forms the community of believers called the Catholic Church. This spirit forgives sins through Baptism and other sacraments. The Spirit will bring about your resurrection into eternal life. Jesus promised his disciples, “I go and prepare a place for you. I will come back for you, so that where I am you also may be”.
“Amen” means “I believe”, “I say it is so”. If you believe all these truths and want Jesus to be your Lord, then you are ready for Baptism. Just begin. The one who is baptizing you should plunge you into the water three times saying, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. You answer “Amen”. These names Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are familiar to you.
Comment: Ideally, only a baptized person should baptize another. However, these words might reach people who are not baptized. A non-baptized person can baptize as long as they do three things:
- Plunge the person into water three times, or pour water on their head three times.
- Say the words, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
- Do all the above with the intention of accomplishing what the Church and Mary want accomplished, namely, to make the baptized person a child of God.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024