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Gaining Holiness in Mary’s Heart

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Everything that is holy is in my heart. You are free to enter because my heart will be open until the end of time. Then it will be sealed for all eternity.

What is not in my heart is not holy, not of God’s kingdom, worthy only to be cast out on the final day. All that is in my heart is the Father’s will. When you enter my heart, you will receive a desire to do the Father’s will. As you remain in my heart, that desire will become pervasive and deepen, extending to every thought, word and deed. This is not the work of just one day or one year, but it is the sure and easy way to goodness because you will experience a vehement desire to do God’s will. I will show the easiest way to accomplish what the Father wants.

Comment: In these few locutions, Mary has invited the soul to a conversion from sin, to fidelity to God’s will and to holiness – all accomplished easily if the soul enters Mary’s heart.

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