Marian Cross - Transparent Background

Mary Speaks to the Broken-Hearted

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

To the Mother of An Aborted Child

Your child is with me, grown to full stature, just like every other child of God. It is you I am concerned about, and the burden you have carried for years.

First, let us go back to that moment of decision, when you said, “I will have an abortion”.

Recall the father of your child, and the role he had in your decision. Recall your fears, your qualms, the pressures you felt from so many sources. Recall the despair that filled your heart and the hopelessness of the situation.

Now recall the years of suffering since that decision – the sleepless nights, the endless questions, the despair, the darkness and especially that question which you always ask, “Why did I let it happen?” Recall all of this so I can respond.

You have suffered long enough. No need for greater pain or greater sorrow. No need for further accusations. There is need only for my saving word which will restore you. Listen carefully.

On earth, you will not be called the mother of this child because you did not give birth, but in heaven you will be called the child’s mother because you gave life. In heaven you will hear the child call you “Mother”, and its mother you will be. You will see your child in full maturity, grown to full stature. Your child will be waiting here to embrace you and I will be here.

There is only one difficulty. I must get you here. So, think about my words. Think of the child who so wants to have you in heaven. Think about what awaits you. Set aside the past. Set aside the sufferings. You will be the mother you so much want to be. We both are waiting for you.

Comment: Certainly the child is in heaven and the child wants its mother to be there also. The woman should not look back but forward.

To Women Who Have Never Conceived

I speak to women who want to conceive a child but have been denied this privilege because of circumstances. One has not found the right person to marry. Another has a husband who does not want children. With another, the mutual spousal love has never conceived. With another, conception has always ended in a miscarriage. Oh, the loneliness of a woman who so desires to bring forth new life! Each month there is the womanly flow which painfully reminds her that time is going by. I do not say “is being lost” for, in God, all time is holy.

Begin with hope. Always and everywhere, hope that God has a plan. Seek God’s light. “What can I do? What steps can I take?” Often, there are surprising answers as you cast the light of hope upon disappointing circumstance. Finally, know that never to have given birth on earth is not God’s rejection of you, nor does it condemn you to a fruitless existence. Look at those who have embraced virginity for the kingdom. Is their life fruitless? How many of these are saints that have blessed the world more than anyone else. I say this clearly. In your failure to give birth there is a seed of great life, a call to a fuller fruitfulness. Let me help you to search and we will find it together. As the psalm proclaims, “The woman who was barren becomes the mother of many children”.

To the Woman Who Experiences Unrequited Love

I speak now to the lonely wife, who gives loves but receives none. She would embrace her husband but he flees from her embraces. An unrequited love – going forth but returning empty.

The house has no love. Life is just an existence together. Two lives that pass in the night. Two streams that flow in separate river beds, never enjoying the fullness of a joining.

Can love be reawakened? Even your own love, because it has never been returned, has grown cold, even though still present. Let us try again. This time slowly and with great patience.

Always await in hope. Always keep the door open. Treasure even the smallest coal of human warmth. When he needs you, be there for him. I will arrange the circumstances so that he sees that you have remained at his side, even though he has not always remained at your side. When the streams begin to join again, let his love flow freely. This will be a great sacrifice for you but there are too many years ahead for you to live mutually alone. The gift of reciprocal love does not return over night but it is a gift worth waiting for.

Do not seek the love of another man because his love would poison your heart. In loving your husband, you act like God who continually loves many who never return his love.

To Parents Worried About Their Children

You see that your child is in deep trouble. Your child has spun out of control and walks away from you. You are helpless. All that you do is not enough. Learn much from my words.

I am with your child, walking with him, accompanying him in the darkness. I will be with him whether he is able to turn away from these destructive forces or whether he is unable to free himself.

So, I say to you, “Call upon me. Invoke my help. Use my name. Teach him to say, “Mary help me”. Do not cease to cry out to me. I hear your every prayer and see your every desire.

Learn this lesson clearly. Everything is possible in my Immaculate Heart. This is a lesson which the whole world will soon learn but I reveal it to you much earlier because of your special need. “No one need be lost”.

Comment: Mary teaches total confidence in her Immaculate Heart. Parents will see true miracles in the change Mary will bring about.

To Parents Whose Son/Daughter Has Committed Suicide

The lonely hours and the constant questions, “What did I do wrong? Why was I not there to prevent this? The memories still fill your heart, the memories of First Communion, the birthday parties and the graduations. These all flood your mind.

How much time has gone by! Yet the pain is still there, like an unquenchable thirst. It is a wound that seems never to heal, an unending agony.

Listen to my words. They will draw you to me. Then, read them again and they will touch you more deeply. As you continue to read them, these words will go to the center of your heart. A moment will come when my words will replace your words and you will be free. Let us begin.

Did he make a true decision, a real choice between good and evil? Was there not a narrowing, a closing of doors to other possible solutions?

Did you know his inner thoughts? How much inner light was present? What darkness had he stumbled into? Can anyone see the way when no light exists? These are the questions that I place before you.

Now, let us go on. Have you not prayed for him? Have you not asked God to have mercy on his soul? Do you not ask God to see your child as you see him? Where are those prayers? Did they get lost in eternity or are they gathered up in my heart?

Look at my heart. Your every prayer and sigh is there. Also, there are your tears, those tears which you have shed so abundantly. These, also, I have gathered up. They are not useless.

Now, come deeper into my heart so you can grasp the thoughts of the heavenly Father. The Father created him, brought him to life and charted his ways, recording every step he took.

This path was not a sudden decision. The seeds of this decision were quietly slipped into his heart while he was asleep, like the parable of the enemy who sowed weeds at night. These weeds were numerous and they appeared everywhere, too numerous to root out, destroying all the wheat. This was the heart of your son/daughter. Your child could only see the hopelessness.

I was with your child in those hopeless hours, because you had called upon me. (I remember your prayers.) You had asked me to save him, because he no longer seemed to be yours. He walked a road that you did not understand.

So, I walked with him. I did not abandon his side, even for a moment, and especially, not in his final moment. I was there, within him, I whispered my name. I told him to call upon me. I could not save his earthly life because those weeds of death had grown too numerous. So, I offered him a chance for eternal life. In the little corner of his will, where freedom still had sway, I asked him, “Do you want me to save you?” “What was his answer?” you ask. I say,

“Come to heaven. Seek always God’s kingdom for yourself. All is not lost.”

Comment: Mary pierces the darkness of a suicide, and speaks of what we cannot know. The parents must seek to gain heaven for themselves, trusting that their child will be waiting for them.

To Those Who Have Lost A Loved One in the War

The memories are so sharp and clear. You remember the moment he told you of his decision.

Suddenly, he was off to war, to an unknown land and to a people whom you did not know. These are the ways of war, the gathering of an army and the sending forth, while those who stay behind are filled with a thousand anxieties.

So it was, as it has always been, with the constant prayers for a safe return, so that your lives could begin again.

But this was not to be. Others returned, but not the one whom you loved so much. The place at table was empty now, never to be filled. The clothing he had stored away never to be used, at least by him.

What shall I say to you whose heart was broken by the cruelty of a war waged in a far off land? How can I console you, when he will never return? When you will never see him again?

When you will never hear his voice or listen to his words? Let me speak because my words will bring you consolation and direction.

Some are meant to be here only a little while, to fulfill their task and to pass on, leaving behind a gift, the memory of their heroic deeds and of their great sacrifices. These memories live on. Do not drown them out. They are the seeds of new life. Remember what he stood for and what he tried to achieve. Remember his sacrifices. Tell them to your children. He gave his life for others. And when these memories overwhelm you and when the loss seems too great, call on me. I, too, lost a Son to violence. I will come to you and we will pray for peace so others do not share our sorrows.

To the Young Person With a Broken Relationship

Your friend, your companion, the one who was always at your side is no longer there. The friendship is broken and you have gone your separate ways. A loneliness sets in. Before you plunge into another relationship, let me, your mother speak to you.

You have much to learn. Examine yourself. What blame must you shoulder? How will you be better in the future? Will your friend take you back, if you change?

There are other questions. Who can help you? Who will speak the truth to you? Who will speak a bold word? Who will be a good friend? Who will lift you up and ask you to live by higher ideals? Learn from a true friend before you begin another relationship. You will be different next time.

Comment: Many experience the heartbreak of a broken relationship. Mary asks the person to be truthful and to seek out someone who will lift them up to higher ideal.

To A Young Person Experiencing Guilt

Guilt covers your soul like a darkness, with the pain of a sharp wound, always present and never going away. You ask, “Why do I feel guilty? Can I find forgiveness? Can anyone remove my guilt?” Let me answer your questions.

You feel guilty because you are a person, conscious of self and of how you should have acted.

Your guilt is telling you that you did not act as a person. To be freed from guilt, you must do some things that only a person can do. Be honest about where you have failed. If you hurt anyone, seek their forgiveness.

Then, come before God who created you as a person. Seek his forgiveness. If you are a Catholic, seek out a priest. He will absolve you and tell you what else to do. Take these steps and you will be restored. I am your mother.

Comment: Mary offers some simple steps to allow every human person to be freed from guilt feelings.

To the Young Person Experiencing a Call

What is that feeling which washes over you, calling you to serve others? What rewards and sacrifices does it hold in store? What will happen if you listen and follow? And if you don’t?

Let your mother explain what is happening.

My Son stirs within you, revealing the mission he offers to you. You see only the beginning steps. The rest of the road is hidden, so you must trust.

Listen to your heart. Follow your inner dream. Trust what Jesus has placed within you. Do not measure the sacrifices or allow others to discourage you. All is prepared. The next time you experience the stirring, say “Yes, Lord, I will follow you”. You will see what to do.

Comment: Mary promises that the inner call will lead the young person to fulfill God’s plan.

To the Young Person Who Cannot Find A Spouse

You have prepared yourself and made yourself ready, always looking, always hoping that you would find the right partner. The years slip by, but the desire perdures. In moments of great hope. You say, “It will surely happen”. Then come moments of despair. You ask, “Where can I even look and hope to find someone?”

Questions are everywhere. “Should I take this opportunity? Yet the other person is so far from what you had hoped for. Is not time running out? But what is the alternative? Many look for sexual favors. Few seek a relationship and even fewer share your dreams of marriage and family. What do I say to you who are caught between your desires and the reality which frustrates your hopes? Let us begin.

Listen to my voice within. Say often, “My mother will provide”. Then, walk where I would walk.

Seek relationships that only I would have. Stay free from those who do not share the desires of your heart. They will only absorb your time and leave you empty.

Go where I send you. Search and seek. Do not be afraid to knock on some doors. Seek new groups, always with the noblest of purposes. I have placed within you a desire for parenthood, to bring forth a family with a spouse who shares your faith and your values. What is wrong with that? Is this not a noble ideal? Then believe that I will help you to achieve it.

Trust that I have placed in you those qualities which will both attract the other and help the other. See what you can bring to the relationship. If you do this, you will be more sure of yourself and your relationship will be based on mutual support. The relationship can then grow. True love can spring up and a moment will happen when you see that you are meant for each other. That is the important moment.

Comment: Mary teaches many things – hope, good choices, active seeking, and looking out for the other’s needs. Only these lead to a good marriage.

To the Young Person Who is Not Ready for Marriage

There are others to whom I must speak. You seek to marry but you are not ready. You have not prepared. Your values are too superficial and your choice of a partner would be the wrong one.

Deepen your life. Seek true values. Return to Mass. Grow in your faith. Stay away from debaucheries. Form your own lifestyle. Choose friends wisely. Do not be led astray. Marriage is a serious enterprise and few are adequately prepared.

When you have done all of this, when you have matured, then you can seek a partner because you will choose much better. You will reject that person whom before you would have selected and you will be drawn to the person whom you formerly would have shunned. The right person was there all along but you were not yet the right person for the other. Lift up your lifestyle and you will choose a partner at a higher level.

Comment: A person tends to choose according to their level. If the person is lifted up by a better lifestyle, they will meet and choose a better partner.

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