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Mary’s Words of Advice

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


To the Confused Person

How did things get to this point? Why is the world in such dire straits? Mankind has gone in the wrong direction for centuries, unable to cope with the rapid speed of technology. Quick, so quick. Everything is quick, with no sense of direction.

So stop. Do not rush headlong. Pause, be still. Ask yourself, “Where am I going? What is my goal?” In this stillness, I will whisper to your heart, “Come this way”. It will be a surprising direction. One you would never have thought of. It is your Mother who leads you. Follow me.”

Comment: Mary’s command is so needed, “Pause. Be still. Examine your goals. Listen”. Her promise is even greater, to lead you in a surprising direction.

To the Discouraged Person

As the tribulation continues, the faith of many will be shaken because they have built their house upon sand. But, is it too late? Will they collapse? All things are possible to God.

This is my promise. Even those whose faith has not been built on solid ground I will receive into the Ark of my Immaculate Heart.

That is why this word must go forth. No one is rejected. It is never too late. The door of my heart will only close at the last minute, when all have had a chance to enter. Never, never say, “It is too late”. My word is a constant stream of hope. Wherever it reaches, hope enters, saving hope.

You, discouraged soul. You, frightened soul. Get up from your bed of despair and walk to the Ark. Just use my name, Mary. Suddenly, the Ark will be in front of you and the door will be open. I will await you there.

Comment: This is a beautiful message because people who have not lived a life of faith, feel they have no chance in these tribulations. They must act now. Tomorrow might be too late.

To the Overwhelmed Modern Person

Everything swirls around with no sense of purpose. Each minute cries out, “Take care of me because the future has no hope”.

So, you plunge into what is at hand. Why ask? Why search? Why look for more than what the present holds?

The whirlpool gets greater. The helplessness grows. O child, you get carried away by forces that are greater than you. So, I stretch out my hand. My strength is enough. I am the saving Mother who searches endlessly for my children, finding them in back alleys and deep valleys.

Wherever you are right now, I am with you. Just stretch out your hand. I do not say “Grasp my hand” because you do not have the strength. I do not say “Hold on to me”. I will hold on to you. I do not say “Follow me”. I will lift you up.

Just one act of your will is enough. Use my name, “Mary”. It opens the door of my heart.

Comment: The modern person is so overwhelmed and the way back to God seems too complex. With these words, Mary provides and easier solution.

To Lost Souls

I am the Mother of Sorrows whose woes will not come to an end until all the events written in the Book of Life are fulfilled. I am the Mother of Life. Where there is life there are also sorrows until all my children are gathered into the kingdom. I am not condemned to sorrows because they are not the final word.

These days, however, are days of travail, of bringing to new life, and of restoring life that has been lost. Yes, many of my children have lost the life I gave to them in Baptism. Many have cast aside the life I suffered to give them. They chose their own life. Others were carried away from a life of devotion. So many causes. So many snares. So many had roots with no depth. This is the state of the Church and my deepest sorrow.

Yet, I do not cast them out of my heart. I take them deeper into my heart, allowing them to cause me even greater sorrows. I let them surround my heart, hoping that just one might understand, “I am causing sorrow to my mother”.

Dear reader, think of your earthly mother. Think of her faith and what she taught you. Did she not teach you my name and to fold your hands in prayer, and to say the Hail Mary? I ask you, “How does she see you now? Do you not cause her sorrow even though she is in heaven?

Think of your earthly mother and turn back to the ways which she taught you. I will be waiting there for you.

Comment: Mary, like a true mother, is willing to experience even greater sorrow to save her child. How powerful to recall the devotion of your earthly mother.

Inviting Souls to Return

Little by little. Step by step. No need for great efforts. One step after another, like two feet on a journey.

You have so many questions. “What will others think? Am I able to return? What will it be like?” Do not ask these questions. They are of no help. They are not the way back.

Here are the steps you must take. First, leave behind what is sinful. You believe that sin’s grasp upon you cannot be broken. This is not true. Just remove your desires for the sinful.

Once you let go, I will take what is sinful from your hand. Easily, quickly and with little effort, your hand will be empty, easily able to select the good.

Second, search your heart. It will be able to choose what is above, the gifts which heaven offers. This is what you have always wanted and it is yours because sin’s power is broken.

Thirdly, seek out others who also want heaven’s favors. All your hands will be lifted high, freed from what is below you and receiving what is above.

Comment: Mary describes the steps to a solid conversion in the easiest of terms.

To the Fallen Away Catholic

These are not mere words. They are gifts from a mother’s heart, filled with enticements. I place the needed medicine in a candy so you will eat. As you chew on my words, a power will enter your hearts. You will taste a new hope. What you thought was impossible is suddenly within your grasp, like a lifeboat in a dark ocean.

I will inspire you with new hope and you will say, “I can return to the faith of my parents”.

You will know the way back. It is a familiar road. You grew up in the Church. You know its teachings and its liturgies.

When you return, you will meet one stumbling block because you will not be fully reconciled.

Some will say that this is not needed but you will know that something is missing. You cannot just overlook many years. You cannot remove your own sins. This violates all that you were taught.

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