Seal of the Living God
Messages from the Book of Truth
Introduction to the
Book of Truth
All messages involving the Seal of the Living God in the Book of Truth listed on the pages below are from the Irish visionary Maria Divine Mercy and were initially listed on The Warning Second Coming website. We believe these messages to be coming to pass, and we have been following them since 2012. There is a video available titled Maria Divine Mercy Interview on Youtube that explains that explains the experiences of receiving the messages beginning in 2012.
We do not list these messages to scare people or predict the end of the age; we list them because we believe them worthy to give us a pulse on what is happening in the Church at the present time and what is to come to the Church and the world. Be aware that man’s free will affects the outcome of what is going on in the world today.
Every message found in the Book of Truth referencing the phrase “Seal of the Living God” are listed below. There is one Message, “There Are Only Three Ways To Protect Yourself From The Evil One“, that is highly recommended to be read from the Book of Truth. Three ways of spiritual protection are listed in this message.
Seal of the Living God
I queried ChatGPT to see if there was any information on “the seal of the living God” and the response I received is listed below in italics.
The “Seal of the Living God” is a term found in the Bible, specifically in the Book of Revelation. It refers to a spiritual mark given by God to His faithful followers, signifying their protection and belonging to Him.
In Revelation 7:2-4, an angel is described as carrying the seal of the living God and marking the foreheads of the servants of God. This seal serves as a sign of divine favor and protection from the impending judgments that are to come upon the earth.
The idea of being sealed by God can also be found in other parts of the New Testament, such as Ephesians 1:13, where believers are said to be “sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.”
Overall, the seal represents a spiritual safeguard and a sign of God’s ownership and care for His people.
The scriptures from Revelation 7:2-4 (Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition)
2 And I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, having the sign of the living God; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
3 Saying: Hurt not the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, till we sign the servants of our God in their foreheads.
4 And I heard the number of them that were signed, an hundred forty-four thousand were signed, of every tribe of the children of Israel.
Seal of the Living God
Messages from the Book of Truth
God The Father: Rise Now, And Accept My Seal, The Seal Of The Living God
Fasting Is Important For Your Souls
God The Father: My Seal Of Protection Is Foretold As The Second Seal Is Broken
Tell Humanity That All Is Now In My Most Holy Hands
Set Up Prayer Groups Devoted To Jesus To Mankind
Virgin Mary: This Seal Was Foretold In The Book Of John
Virgin Mary I Revealed These Atrocities To The Little Children Melanie And Maximin At La Salette
Once The Warning Takes Place There Will Be Much Confusion
Virgin Mary: I Ask Of All God’S Children To, Once Again Dedicate The Month Of August To Save Souls
The New Era Will Be Heralded By My Second Coming. The Time Is Short
You Have Been Given The Armour. Use It
One Half Will Not Deviate From The Truth. The Other Half Will Twist The Truth
Only Those With The Seal Of The Living God Will Escape This Form Of Genocide Of The Soul
The Miracles I Promised The World, Through My Crusade Prayers, Will Increase
When The Time Comes For The Beast To Reveal The Antichrist, Great Signs Will Be Seen
God The Father: Children We Are But Just A Short Time Away From The Great Day
Great Rejoicing Will Take Place Everywhere. This Will Last 100 Days
Four Powerful Empires Will Emerge As The Main Source From Which Wars Will Be Surmounted
What Good Is It To Me If A Man Is Brought Before Me Dragging And Kicking His Heels? It Is Useless
The Book Of Truth Will Be The Antithesis Of The New False Book
I Will Arm My Angels And Chosen Ones To Do Battle With Those Who Denounce Me
I Will Salvage 5 Billion Souls Because Of This Mission
Mother Of Salvation: I Have A Message For The Roman Catholic Clergy
Seal of the Living God Crusade Prayer
O My God, My loving Father
I accept with love and gratitude
Your Divine Seal of Protection
Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul, for eternity
I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty To you my Beloved Father
I beg you to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal
And I pledge my life to your service, forever and ever
I love you, dear Father
I console you in these times, dear Father
I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son In atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children.

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