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For Every Evil Act Of War And Terror, God Will Cast Them Out And Strike Them Stone Dead

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013 @ 23:45

My dearly beloved daughter, the world is about to endure terrible wars and hatred will spread and infect many nations. Unrest and division will be present in most countries and people will know then that times have changed beyond belief.

A deep unsettling anxiety will be felt and people will find it difficult to know whom to trust. This is how Satan infests God’s children, as he pits one against the other. Only those who believe in the True God will find comfort, for they will know that their faith and love for Me will keep them strong.

You must pray hard, so that the deceit that has fallen, which is the cause of many wars, will be exposed for what it is – an attempt to cause deep division and hatred in order to control. My Father will punish the oppressors, as they cause havoc and pain upon the innocents. They may kill and maim many, but they will be struck down by My Father, for their wickedness.

Those who believe that they can create war and fool the world will not get much time to boast of their wicked activities. Their fate is sealed. Intervention by the Hand of God will be seen in every part of the world. For every evil act of war and terror, God will cast them out and strike them stone dead.

War created by the hand of man destroys life of the flesh. Punishment by My Father stops the life of the soul from being given the Gift of salvation.

Your Jesus

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