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Messages in the Book of Truth

The Fatima Story from 1917

Below is the story of fatima as it was in 1917 concerning the three shepherd children.  If you are unfamiliar with this story, which is true history, it can be viewed below.

Original Publish: June 13, 2023
Last Publish: March 30, 2025

All messages involving Fatima in the Book of Truth listed on the pages below are from the Irish visionary Maria Divine Mercy and were initially listed on website. We believe these messages to be coming to pass, and we have been following them since 2012.  If you disagree, don’t read them; it’s that simple.  

We do not list these messages to frighten people or predict the end of the age; we list them because we believe them to be worthy to give us a pulse on what is happening in the Church at the present time and what is to come to the Church and the world.  Be aware that man’s free will affects the outcome of what is going on in the world today.

Every message found in the Book of Truth referencing the phrase “Fatima” are listed below.  The actual message can be accessed if you click on the diamond icon next to the message title.  Some time will have to be invested to read them.  Before the message titles, there is a message titled “There Are Only Three Ways To Protect Yourself From The Evil One.” 

All messages in red are must read.

To access all Book of Truth Messages in pdf format, take this link. 

There Are Only Three Ways To Protect Yourselves From The Evil One

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012 @ 12:50

My dearly beloved daughter you must never become complacent and feel that this work, when it seems to be going well, will for one moment escape the scourge of the evil one. He is furious. He picks at every task you undertake, creates problems and obstacles, which leave you frustrated and helpless.

So many people are blind to the scourge he inflicts on humanity. Because they cannot see him they do not believe that he exists. Those who open the way to him, through sin, and allow him into their souls will find it impossible to rid themselves of the terrible hurt and discontent he will bring into their lives.

There are only three ways to protect yourselves from the evil one.

The first is, the Sacrament of Confession cleanses your soul, if you are genuine in your remorse. For non-Catholics please accept the Gift of the Plenary Indulgence in Crusade Prayer (24), given to the world through this Mission.

The second way is through the daily devotion to My Mother who has been given the power to crush Satan. Her Holy Rosary is an important shield, which will cover you and your family away from his evil eye.

The last is through the State of Grace, which you can achieve through regular communication with Me by receiving Me in the Holy Eucharist.

So many people who want to escape from the clutches of Satan, and who in their hearts know they have been sucked into a vortex of evil, must turn to Me and ask Me to help them through this special Crusade Prayer (78) Save me from Evil.

O Jesus protect me from the power of Satan.

Take me into Your Heart as I release all my allegiance to him and his wicked ways.

I surrender my will and come before You on my knees with a humble and contrite heart.

I leave my life in Your Holy Arms.

Save me from evil. Release me and take me to Your safe haven of protection now and forever.


Your Jesus

Prophecies Involving Fatima in the Book of Truth

Immaculate Heart of Mary Icon
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