Marian Cross - Transparent Background
Part IV: My Soldier

Those Who Teach Me . . .

My Ideal, Jesus Son of Mary
Madonna and Child - Bartolome Esteban Murillo - 1670


My child, Jesus has brought you to me so that, once you have become my child of predilection, you may also become my apostle. Everything you undertake under my direction, He will bless. Yet He wishes you not only to act in my name but also to preach my name to others, and every time you do so He will attach a special grace and power to your apostolate.

2. Being an apostle means bringing souls to Christ and giving Christ to souls. I am the way which leads to Christ; it is I who gave Christ to the world. Do you want to lead souls more rapidly to Christ? Then show them the way which leads to Him. Do you wish to give Him to them fully? Show them her whose mission it is to give Him to souls. Recall your own experience. Despite your constant infidelity to grace, have you not remarked an astonishing transformation in yourself ever since Jesus revealed the mystery of His filial love to you? You have found the light, do not hide it under a bushel, but rather make it shine before men. The secret of your improved interior life will also be the secret of a more efficient apostolic life. The more manifestly you introduce me into your exterior action, the more successful you will make it.

3. It is Jesus who has so willed it. He could have given Himself directly to men, but He decided to give Himself only through me. In the prophecy made in the Garden of Eden and in the declarations of the Prophets, as well as in His manifestations to the shepherds and the Magi, to St. Simeon and St. Anne, at Cana and on Calvary, He willed to make me known to men at the same time as He made Himself known to them. Through His Church, His Mystical Body animated with His Spirit, He never stops preaching me and teaching that the most natural way to find Him is to go to the Son by way of the Mother. He has taught you to imitate His filial love towards me. Imitate this particular aspect of His filial love.

4. I have explained to you how, especially in these latter days, Jesus wishes to glorify my name and to have me more known and honored, in order thereby to sanctify and save souls. In this great victory which He has reserved for me they especially will share who manifest me to men. Make me known as much as you can. Jesus expects it of you.

5. I, too, expect it of you. I have so many children who do not know their Mother or who know her very little. It is for you to reveal her to them, so that she can embrace them also, as her beloved children. It is for you to lead them to her, that she may form them as she does you to the likeness of her First-born Son.

6. How can you make me known and loved? There is one way which is infallible. Fill yourself with a burning love for me and for souls and you will know how to preach about me. First, let people know that you are particularly devoted to my service. Do not be afraid to let them see you with my rosary or my medal, or at some public festival in my honor. If at the same time you show yourself a fearless, irreproachable Christian, your conduct will be a most eloquent sermon in my honor.

7. Then, at the propitious moment, drop a word here and there which will reveal your convictions and your experience regarding your life of union with me. In intimate conversation or correspondence can you not sometimes mention my name? To a heart oppressed with grief can you not recall the thought of the Comforter of the afflicted? To souls who are struggling to preserve or recover their virtue, can you not recommend recourse to the Immaculate Virgin, who has received from her Son the mission of making all those pure who invoke her? To souls who yearn for intimacy with Jesus can you not let fall some hint as to how you became more closely united to Him? To souls eager for apostolic work can you not explain the mission of conquest which God has confided to me and the wonderful fruitfulness which will assuredly accompany their efforts if they fight in my name and under my orders? And if you ever have the opportunity to make me known by speaking in public or by writing, hasten to profit by that call of grace. Your words will bear a message of confidence, love and salvation to all those willing souls whom they reach and through them, perhaps, to thousands more. “Those who make me known to others shall have life everlasting,” and shall procure it for many others round about them.

The Faithful Soul:
“Make me worthy of praising you, O Blessed Virgin. “Give me strength against your enemies.”

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