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Part IV: My Soldier

In Union There Is Strength

My Ideal, Jesus Son of Mary
Madonna and Child - Bartolome Esteban Murillo - 1670


My child, do not remain isolated. Join with others who have the same apostolic aspirations as yourself. Keeping the sacred fire of the apostolate buried in the depths of your soul will smother it. By speaking with others about ideas and ideals which are common to you, you will increase your enthusiasm as well as theirs. Union with others will do more than inflame the zeal of all of you; it will make it uncommonly strong. If you work with another, you will be not twice but ten times as strong. And if you form a closely united battalion marching under my banner, you will be invincible.

2. Where will you find those fellow soldiers animated with the same ambitions as yourself? Seek and you shall find. Perhaps there are some right next to you, all ready to welcome you into their ranks. Join them. If you can enroll in one of my sodalities, no matter what it is called, do not hesitate to do so. In the past, those sodalities, whose members realized that they constituted not merely a devotional association but a militia advancing in the name of the Woman predestined to crush the head of the Serpent, have won brilliant victories. In the future, victories yet more brilliant will be granted them, according as they understand better and better my mission and theirs. Or, if circumstances lead you to it, join the Legion of Mary. In the course of its triumphant progress all over the world, it has worked miracles of conversion and spiritual transformation. That is not surprising, however, to those who know that where Mary Immaculate passes, miracles seem to spring up in her footsteps. Perhaps about you there are only isolated individuals. Make it your business to discover among them those who are capable of understanding your views. It often happens that in a given locality several persons have identical interests and ambitions, yet each one, ignorant of the other, believes he is alone. And when, after months or perhaps years, a chance conversation happens to reveal one to the other, they are quite astonished to find that they took each other for strangers so long, whereas they were really brothers. Try to speak to others of what you hold dear, and you will discover what response your advances arouse.

3. At first, you will perhaps not find those who can share your ideal. Nor will your best collaborators always be those who respond first and most enthusiastically to your advances. A sound judgment, a steady will, generosity, and a capacity for devotedness are worth much more than sudden bursts of fervor. Do not object: “Nothing can be done here. The people round about me are all indifferent.” There are noble hearts which hide; there are generous souls quite unaware of their own generosity. It is for you to make them realize what they are capable of. They will be supremely happy to feel longings for perfection and a devotion to a great cause awaken within them.

4. At times the very men who profess doctrines diametrically opposed to yours will be the most apt to become some day your comrades. Did not Saul, the great persecutor, become Paul, the great apostle of Christ? Judge the character of a man less by his words and actions than by the interior dispositions underlying them. A sincere, ardent, generous unbeliever is better fitted to fight your spiritual battles with you than is a Christian who lacks energy and the spirit of sacrifice.

5. You may perhaps have to search a long time, exhaust your strength forming co-workers, and endure many a cruel deception. Be not disheartened. Christ has His chosen ones in every class of society; seek and you shall find.

6. In the beginning you will be perhaps only a small company. It matters not, provided you are closely united. Majorities do not triumph in this world, but the active, resolute, well-organized and well-disciplined minorities do. With an infallible and marvelously effective doctrine, with unrivaled virtue and devotedness, with the sublimest ideals, and with the all- powerful assistance of Heaven, Catholics of almost every land have more than they need for the triumph of their cause, if only they knew how to unite. But they do not know, and hence in nearly every land it is they who are vanquished. The enemies of my Son are divided on all points of doctrine; they unite only to attack the Church. Catholics are united on all points of doctrine; they are divided only when they defend the Church. If Satan finds Christians too zealous in the service of God to be likely to succumb to temptations against faith or purity, he inspires them with opposing apostolic methods and then instead of fighting him they fight one another.
Have they never observed that in war the victorious nation is the one whose soldiers and officers forget personal views and co-operate faithfully in some general plan of campaign, even though it may not be the best? Have they never observed that in the conquests of the Church, the troops which have ever enjoyed the greatest success are the companies of religious obliged by their vow of obedience to follow with perfect docility the direction of their leaders?

7. Who are the leaders who will coordinate your action with that of your fellow-soldiers? God “hath placed the bishops to rule His Church.” The Bishop of Bishops has given clear orders to his armies: You must serve me within the framework of Catholic Action wherever it is possible to do so. Have you already studied the purposes and program of this wonderful institution? Do you know how it is organized in your diocese? Have you tried to find out how you could most effectively take a hand in it?

8. No matter what your personal preferences may be, try to understand that a small result which is really achieved is worth more than a greater one that is not achieved; that there is no strength without union, and no union without self-sacrifice; and that the triumph of the common cause is to be preferred to the triumph of one’s personal ideas. Think over these principles, live them, and teach them to others!

The Faithful Soul:
Mother, I intend to work all my life, I assure you, at increasing your forces and at making them more united, strong, and enthusiastic.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Icon
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