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Part I: The Ideal

You Love Mary; Now Not You, But I Love Her in You

My Ideal, Jesus Son of Mary
Madonna and Child - Bartolome Esteban Murillo - 1670


My brother, since My life is your life, and My Mother your Mother, it is easy for you to imitate My filial love toward her.  But you should not imitate Me only as a disciple imitates his master, or as a Christian on earth imitates his celestial patron. I am more than a model placed before you, I am, for you, an interior principle of life.

2. You live by Me. My dispositions must become your dispositions.
I am the vine, you are a branch. The same sap circulates in the stock of the vine as in the branches.  I am the head, you are a member of My Mystical Body; the selfsame blood flows in the head and in the members.  When you are pure, it is I who am pure in you; when you are patient, it is I who am patient in you; when you practice charity, it is I who practice charity in you. You live; it is no longer you who live, it is I who live in you. You love My Mother; no, it is no longer you who love her, it is I who love her in you. Do you understand now why you are so happy in loving Mary? It is I in you who am happy in loving her.

3. You participate in My life, but My life is far from being perfect in you. If it were perfect, you would think, you would feel, you would will, you would act in all things as I do. There are too many obstacles to the free unfolding of My activity in your soul. Too often I live in your soul as a prisoner lives in his cell. You must remove these obstacles; by generous efforts you must succeed in thinking My thoughts, in willing as I will. You must fill up what is lacking of My life in you. You share in My filial love toward My Mother, but My filial love toward her is far from being perfect in you. You must remove the obstacles; by generous effort you must succeed in acquiring My thoughts, My sentiments, My desires, My will, My activity in regard to My Mother. You must fill up what is lacking in you of My filial love toward My Mother.

4. Do you begin to catch a glimpse of what I am trying to reveal to you about your devotion to Mary?  You should love My Mother because I love her; you should love her in the way I love her; you should love her with the selfsame love as I do.

The Faithful Soul:
O Jesu dulcis, O Jesu pie, O Jesu, fili Mariae.

O sweet Jesus, O loving Jesus, O Jesus, Son of Mary.

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