Warning Second Coming
The Resignation of Pope Benedict
All messages listed on the pages below are from the Irish visionary Maria Divine Mercy and were initially listed on TheWarningSecondComing.com. As controversial as these messages are, they still shed a bright light on the world today. Perhaps they are worth another look.
Every message from the links below contains the phrase “Benedict”
Message Titles and Links
Global Plan to deplete world population and overthrow world leaders.
All Christians Repent Now, Catholics Pray for Pope Benedict.
Pope Benedict’s Days are now numbered.
The Keys of Rome now being handed back to God the Almighty Father.
Message to priests, Bishops and Cardinals about false prophet.
Prayer can avert disharmony in the world.
Importance of Sacraments, Marriage and First Holy Communion.
Hold Divine Mercy Vigils now, The Warning is Close.
Virgin Mary: Pray for Pope Benedict.
Mother of Salvation: Wicked plan, within the Vatican, to destroy the Catholic Church.
Virgin Mary: Pray for Pope Benedict with all your heart.
My poor Holy vicar, Pope Benedict XVI, will be ousted from the Holy See in Rome.
Watch now as the man of peace will present himself to the world.
Virgin Mary : Pray for Pope Benedict XVI who is in danger of being exiled from Rome.
I am the Church. The Church was founded by Me and it can never die.
Virgin Mary: The Era of Peace I spoke about in Fatima has been forgotten.
Virgin Mary: The time for me to crush the serpent is drawing nearer.
The next Pope may be elected by members within the Catholic Church but he will be the False Prophet.
I, your beloved Jesus, could never undermine My own Church.
Many Popes have been prisoners in the Holy See surrounded by Masonic Groups.
They intend to oust Pope Benedict XVI from the Seat of Peter using devious means.
The time is near for the persecution of My Beloved Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI to reach its pinnacle.
The Crowning of Thorns during My Crucifixion is symbolic.
A number of events regarding the Churches, which honor Me in the world, will begin to surface.
The false prophet will now take over the Seat in Rome.
He has been sent to dismantle My Church and tear it up into little pieces.
His throne has been stolen. His power has not.
The time for the division is soon and you must prepare.
Soon My Beloved Pope Benedict will guide God’s children from his place of exile.

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