Warning 2nd Coming - Selected Messages
Evil is presented as being good while good is presented as evil
August 22, 2011 20:10
When man questions his faith he needs to think. If he is in doubt, then he must ask Me to open his eyes. If he is finding it difficult to pray, he must ask Me to open his mouth. But if he won’t listen to the Truth, then he needs the prayer of others.
My children, I Am deeply concerned at the way in which evil is presented as being good, while good is being presented as evil. Everything in your world is back to front. For those of you without a deep devotion to Me, you will be none the wiser. Actions are now being perpetrated in the world at every level of government, church and state in your name and you are oblivious to this.
Bad laws are being introduced and presented to mankind as being in their best interests. This includes new regimes, medicine, foreign aid, vaccination and the preaching of new religions and other doctrines. Never has there been so much confusion amongst My children.
On the surface, everything is seen as being controlled and in order and in a way it is. But the only real order that exists is by the hand of those who control world events, hidden in the comfort of their wicked ways, behind closed doors.
Do not be deceived, children. You must turn to Me for help so that the wicked events planned by secretive global powers can be weakened. Your only route to real freedom is when you rekindle your faith in Me. This will happen soon, My precious children, when I present Myself to the world during The Warning, which is getting closer and closer.
I urge you to pray for those who have eyesight, but who are blind to My Most Holy Word. Pray for those who persist in twisting My Teachings and for My sacred servants, who, through cowardice, are giving in to the demands made of them by governments.
There is only one ruler now who is in charge of the future and that is My Eternal Father, God the Creator and Maker of everything. Pay allegiance to Him above all and you will find a firm footing when moving forward on the path of Truth.
Your beloved Savior
Jesus Christ
Aftermath of The Warning
September 29, 2011 20:45
My dearly beloved daughter, as The Warning draws closer please ask My beloved followers to pray and rejoice with thanks, for the great Mercy which My Eternal Father has granted to mankind.
It will be because of this Glorious Act of Pure Love that more of mankind can be saved, to enjoy the Era of Peace on Earth. be thankful that you are living in these times, for millions of you will be saved, who otherwise would never have entered the Gates of Heaven.
The preparations are complete. Prepare your homes with blessed candles and a supply of water and food to last for a couple of weeks. The aftermath will be difficult but you must not be frightened. Instead be relieved, for the suffering is to be offered in thanksgiving for the eternal life, which is now being afforded to My precious souls who embrace this great Gift.
Be at peace. Trust in Me, for remember, I Am your Savior and offer those faithful souls protection at every moment. I walk with you. I guide you. I hold your hands with tender Love. You are Mine and I will never let you go from My Sacred Heart. You, My followers, are surrounded with the graces you need to survive The Warning.
Your beloved Jesus
Savior and Redeemer of all of Mankind
Mother of Salvation: Wicked plan, within the Vatican, to destroy the Catholic Church
January 18, 2012 09:50
My child, perseverance is needed by all God’s children, during this time of apostasy in the world. So few believe in their Divine Creator, my Father, God the Most High. They will see the Truth shortly, but many will still argue that there is no God. Much prayer is needed now, children.
Pope Benedict XVI is being plotted against, within his own corridors, by an evil sect. This sect is known to exist among those sacred servants within the Vatican, yet they are powerless against this evil group, which has infiltrated the Catholic Church for centuries. They are responsible for twisting the Truth of my Son’s Teachings. So little is known about them or their vile works. They have driven the True Doctrine from the Catholic Church and, in its place a lukewarm, watered down version has been force fed to Catholics over the last forty years.
So much confusion has been spread by this wicked, but, hidden sect, that my children have wandered away from the True Church. Pray that they do not drive the pope away. Pray that the false prophet will not take the Seat of the Holy Father so that he can spread lies. Pray that those sacred servants in the Vatican are strong enough to withstand this evil plot, designed to destroy the Catholic Church.
They plan to replace the Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI, with a dictator of lies. He will create a new church in league with the antichrist and his group, in order to deceive the world. Sadly, many of my children will, in their allegiance to the Catholic faith, follow blindly this new false doctrine, like lambs to the slaughter.
Wake up, children, to the Truth. This wicked plan has changed the fundamental authenticity of the Catholic Doctrine over the years. You insult my Son when you receive the Holy Eucharist in the hand. This was their doing. You insult my Son when you do not seek the regular Sacraments. Yet, those whom you rely on for these do not ensure your spiritual well-being, because they do not make the Sacraments available to all.
My child, a great evil, hidden for centuries in the corridors of the Holy See, will shortly emerge for the world to see. Those of my children, who are covered with the Holy Spirit, will see the Truth, when the wicked lie is presented to the world. Others will follow blindly down a dark alley. Great division will emerge within the ranks of priests, bishops, archbishops and cardinals, one side against the other.
Those true disciples will have to hide and preach privately or else be killed. So hidden will the True Church be, that the true faithful will have to bind together, in order to practice their allegiance to my Eternal Father. The Earth will shake in every corner, caused by the Wrath of my heavenly Father, against this travesty.
My child, they cannot win. It will be by the faith and courage of the remnants of the Christian Faith, that will result in these wicked imposters being destroyed forever. Await now and prepare for the Catholic Church to announce these changes. Then you will know the Truth of what I tell you.
Pray, pray, pray for Pope Benedict and his true disciples.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
God the Father: You are either for Me or against Me. The choice is yours
February, 21, 2012 00:30
I am God the Father, Creator of all things. I am speaking with you tonight in the name of the Holy Trinity. My daughter the time has come for the first of the seals to be broken and how this saddens Me. I have promised that before this happens I will offer My Seal of Protection on the foreheads of all those who believe in Me.
Now I give you, children, a last chance to stand up and decide. You are either for Me or against Me. The choice is yours.
To those who reject My Holy Word given to this, the end time prophet, you must hear Me now as I speak. I give you the prophets to guide you.
Why do you reject My love?
Why do you allow doubts to blind you to the truth?
Much as I love you there is little time and you will be given seconds to decide on your own fate. For in time, My patience will run out.
Ignore My calling and you will find it difficult to find Me in the wilderness ahead.
If you accept My Seal of Love you will be within My protection at all times.
This protection will cover your families.
This is My final call to offer you My Seal of Love.
After that you will have to face the bleakness of the Great Tribulation exposed, alone and without a crutch to lean on.
I will never force you, children, to love Me. That is your own choice and, of course, love can only come from the heart.
I extend My hand of love now. If you know Me you will recognize Me.
If you say you know Me but reject My gesture of love and protection, then you do not really know Me at all.
My children keep close to Me now for the first seal has been finally opened.
The earth will shake all over in various parts of the world and then you will be without doubt.
Because I love you I will await your response after that.
Never reject My prophets for you reject Me.
Harm or slander My prophets and you do the same to Me. for it is My voice from Heaven that you insult.
Far better if you do not speak at all and remain silent if in doubt.
It is now the time for the prophecies to be proven.
Many will fall on their knees in shame and regret when they will see how their rejection of My messages, through my end time prophets, have torn Me in two.
How their condemnation and ridicule have made a mockery of My holy word.
How the truth was too bitter for them to swallow and how the lies from the false prophets and fortune tellers gave them the shallow comfort they sought.
How far My children have fallen away from Me.
How ungrateful they are.
To those who know Me, and accept My Seal, know that you will have eternal life.
You never doubted My word because your humility and childlike love for Me meant that you did not allow intellectual reasoning to block your ears to the truth.
So many of My true prophets sent to you over the last twenty years were mocked, abused, tormented and cast into the wilderness.
To those of you who slandered My messages you should be ashamed.
Yet you idolised the false prophets and bowed before them.
To you I ask, which God do you bow before?
You know who you are. The time has come for you to face the truth. for you are either for Me or against Me. If you cannot recognize Me then you are lost.
To those who do hear My voice follow Me and help Me build My remnant church on earth.
I will lead you through the havoc which will be wielded by the anti-christ.
You will not suffer the torment which will befall those who refuse to reject false idols, greed, materialism and lust for power.
I call on all of My children to listen.
I ask you to open your eyes before it is too late.
Your beloved Father
God of the Most High
Mother of Salvation: They will present a new red book, with the head of a goat embedded within its cover
March, 11, 2014 20:39
My dear child, when I gave birth to my Son, this meant that I not only delivered the Son of man, the Savior of the world, but also brought about a new beginning. The world was redeemed by the birth of my precious Son and mankind was given a very special Gift. This Gift was rejected, but humanity still benefits today, because so many have accepted the Truth.
The birth of my Son heralded the birth of His Church on Earth, as both were borne of me, a mere handmaid of the Lord. It will be me, the woman clothed with the sun, who will be banished by the serpent, along with my Son’s Church, into the desert. Every trace of me, the Mother of God, will be wiped out. Apparitions, which are attributed to me, will be ridiculed and people will be instructed, by the enemies in my Son’s Church, to reject all credence associated with them. Then, my Son’s Church will be discarded, along with those who are true followers of Christ. The Holy Masses will cease and while all of this is going on, the serpent will scatter his servants and they will claim their seats in every Christian church. Such will be the magnitude of this takeover that many people, true believers, will be so astonished that they will be too frightened to stand up and object to the desecration they will have to witness, for fear of their lives.
During this time, my Son’s Remnant will gather in every nation, the world over, and lead the lost and the bewildered, during this terrible period of infestation. This Army will be given great power over evil, which will be witnessed in what once were the Churches of my Son. They will, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, preach the Truth “the True Gospels”, the True Word, given to the world in the Holy Bible. The Bible will be challenged openly, by imposters in Christian churches and they will question every Teaching, which warns of the danger of sin. They will twist its contents and they will present a new red book with the head of a goat embedded within its cover, hidden inside the symbol of the cross.
To the outside world of unbelievers, this will appear to be a revolution and one, which will fascinate them and appeal to those who reject the Existence of God. Great celebrations will begin in many nations. They will welcome the celebration of freedom, from all moral obligations, in the name of global unity and a celebration of human rights.
The Light of my Son’s Presence will be held high, like a beacon, by those who will lead my Son’s Remnant Army. This Light will continue to draw souls, everywhere, despite the spread of paganism across all churches, of every creed, with the exception of the two witnesses, the Christians and the Jews, who remain true to God’s Will.
Then, when the Great Day dawns and after the three terrible days of darkness are over, a great Light will appear over the Earth. This Light will surround my Son and the sun, which will be at its greatest strength, will descend over the world, both at the same time. Not one person will fail to witness this supernatural spectacle. The roar of the announcement will be heard by all through every form of communication known to man. Therefore, all will anticipate a great event, but they will not know the time, the hour or the date. And then those, whose names are listed in the Book of the Living, will be gathered.
Pray, pray, pray that the world will not reject the preparation, which is needed before humanity can see the Light of my Son’s Face.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

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